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Older caliper and the pistons....


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I'm wondering, on recent brake calipers the pistons are hollow and some of the more expensive calipers pistons are drilled i guess to allow the gasses to escape.

I have some tokicos from 1989. same stuff fitted to the zxr750, zzr1100, zxr400 and the likes. They are like new, infact the same calipers were for sale brand new on ebay recently.

The pistons have a metallic insert which looks copper based? what is this? i'm guessing a heat sink of sorts?

Any knowledgable folk please inform and if this leads on to a discussion about the best calipers as per the other disk discussion that'd be cool....

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All pistons are hollow, to save weight, and have been for 25+ years

Some of the later ones the pistons are actually made of plastic or similar, again to save weight

Any wieght saved in the caliper is unsprung weight and therefore needs to be as low as possible

The closed end is fitted into the caliper first

Some have a cap fitted over the open end, with what appears to cork or something in the middle - the purpose of these I do not know.

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think the cork is just to stop crap building up. I got some gold spot calipers for my old trx, the pistons were lovely ally with a teflon coating, so much nicer than the rusty chrome on the original ones. Don't know how long they last. Titanium would be the material to use really, to minimise corrosion, or something like a nice chunk of nylon or similar that could withstand the fluid.

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If they are the bits I think you mean then they are to do with heat dissipation, and also to prevent the pistons corroding to the pads. I always thought they were ceramic.

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If they are the bits I think you mean then they are to do with heat dissipation, and also to prevent the pistons corroding to the pads. I always thought they were ceramic.

I think we are on the same page. They might be ceramic but i have a knackered piston from an old caliper and i rubbed it with emery cloth, a copper like material came away. Very soft.

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