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noisy clutch / neutral 2000 r6


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im on a 13k mile 2000 r6 but has a noisy clutch in neutral , once clutch lever is pulled in noise stops been told not to worry to much but would like to know what it is im guessing bearing maybe, not too sure on the the r6 engine but cant be too dis -similar to others ive worked on. any help appreciated!

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If we're talking a low rumbling/graunching noise, don't worry about it. If it sounds like a washing machine full of bolts and doesn't go away when you you pull the clutch in, then worry.

I'm sure it's absolutely fine as every bike I've had does it. If in doubt get along to a shop and listen to some other bikes to put your mind at ease.

As someone once told me: "Everyone else's bike always sounds quieter than your own".

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yeah, decided to do a bit of reading up on it and apparently its an r6 thing, so all is good again apart from being too quiet on the exhaust front!

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