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ZXR 750 H1 weird noise on start up


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Hi guys

Ive been slowly putting a ZXR750 back together and i put a battery on it for the first time today.

Basically its making a funny noise when i move the kill switch from off to run.

Ive attatched a little video that you can hear the noise in.

It sounds like a fuel pump to me? dosent come on till the kill switch is put to the run position??

any ideas? ive never heard a zxr run before but im assuming they dont all do this?


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First thought would be starter solenoid. Not sure if the H1 even has a fuel pump, just gravity fed isn't it? If it has got a pump then yes could well be that. And no, its not s'posed to sound like that.

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Is the battery new and fully charged?? if not try jumping it!!

Does sound like starter soleniod :icon_blackeye:

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The starter solenoid does nothing until the starter button is pushed however the fuel pump does prime before you start.

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First thought would be starter solenoid. Not sure if the H1 even has a fuel pump, just gravity fed isn't it? If it has got a pump then yes could well be that. And no, its not s'posed to sound like that.

Is the battery new and fully charged?? if not try jumping it!!

Does sound like starter soleniod :icon_blackeye:

Hi guys

Its a brandnew battery and fully charged. was bought in error and i just kept it in the box for about 4 months so should be good

The Zxr does have a fuel pump. Think ill take the tank off again should be able to hear where its coming from a bit better.

It wouldnt be effected by the fact tht there is no fuel for it to pump would it?

Cheers Guys Matt

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