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Micrometres ?


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get a 0,25 mic ,more accurate than a vernier

if you get a vernier dont bother with the dial gauge vernier ,get a digi one or the old scale type one

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Personally I'd go for a digital vernier, just for the speed of use. Having the option to zero the calipers at any point over the travel also speeds up difference measurement between components when checking tolerences or step depths.

If you're likely to be chucking them about though, go for the original vernier as they're a lot more robust, just a pain on the eye sight when you're over a certain age :eusa_whistle:

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get a 0,25 mic ,more accurate than a vernier

if you get a vernier dont bother with the dial gauge vernier ,get a digi one or the old scale type one

Both are useful, use the micrometers when you need accuracy and repeatability.

But the verniers can be used for more jobs.... You'll probably use them much more often. I have found the dial type last longer and give more repeatable results.

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oh fuck ....

I forgot about this .....

Er ... thanks for the replies guys...I only posted this as a wee "joke" ... as part of another thread.

Sorry for wasting your time lads ... but thanks for replying anyway.



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0-150mm digi calipers are more useful more of the time. less accurate than a proper 0-25 mic, as jay rightly says. you can measure inside, outside, and depth too.

i have some mitutoyo ones, they are great, had them ages. dont ever lend them to anyone cos they invariably drop them on the inside measuring jaws and render them useless.


now he tells me

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micrometers are made to +/-0.003mm

Verniers are +/-0.02mm

Mic's are more accurate, but verniers are more versatile.

take your pick on what's being measured and what accuracy you need

for a mic to cover everything a vernier can do you would need the following micrometers







in both internal and external versions, plus a 0 - 150mm depth mic

So, as you can see a £60 vernier can do the job of many hundreds of pounds worth of micrometers, albeit at reduced accuracy.

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again .. sorry lads.

The "joke" (not very good one, at that) was part of the "bring back shaun" thread.

as it happens I have got a lovely set of Mitutoyo imperial vernier , liberated from my last job , when I left. They are indeed fantastic. I got some digitals and micrometres from machinemart , they do the job ... but are a bit shit to be honest.

For some reason .. I have little faith in their accuracy because they were so cheap .. which kind of defeats the purpose of having them in the first place.

(see .. I can be involved in serious topics about serious stuff :eusa_whistle: )

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you wanted a 0,25 mic to measure your cock didnt you :eusa_whistle:

Aye .... very good :lol:

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again .. sorry lads.

The "joke" (not very good one, at that) was part of the "bring back shaun" thread.

Sorry SM not critizing your shite sense of humor but I can't see the joke??? I've tried to see something to do with GPee and can't??

Give us a clue :thumbsup:

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Sorry SM not criticising your shite sense of humour but I can't see the joke??? I've tried to see something to do with GPee and can't??

Give us a clue :eusa_think:

No .. No .. criticise away ...

well ...

Milliemillie fucked off in a huff over the hoo haa of gpzrx getting banned for being a bit of a cock toward CD & Porkscratching, taking up valuable internet space etc etc.

I was sitting here bored and felt that it was my duty to gently pull his leg over aforementioned tizzy ... having also fucked off, myself ...in a huff over complaints over people just using the forum to talk about wanking and the like instead of serious motorcycle issues. (this was on the old forum) . After realising I was being a bit of a tool .. I came back .. all sheepish like.

So .. presuming MM would be back at some point ... I posted up a comment about "serious types" sticking to the serious areas of the forum (like .. er..here in workshop) in threads like verniers vs micrometres ( a made up thread in my head..) instead of the general gossip threads of GPZ's antics

... just for a laugh ... obviously .... 'cause I don't really care and have no opinion on such matters in real life.

(still with me)

So then .... heds came on and asked Where was this Vernier v's micrometre thread .... (obviously having a laugh)

I then popped in to the workshop section and started this thread (er ... for a laugh)

Then.... realised that it wasn't really funny at all ... and that folks were genuinely replying to it ... because they are decent types ...

... and I was actually a bit of a cock instead of being witty and fantastic

Then ... er .. here we are.


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Oh aye ... I know I spelt Micrometer wrong .... I was in a hurry :eusa_whistle:

I shall never darken the door of the Workshop section again.

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Get out and stay out. You and your types, I'll show you what you can do with a set of mole grips, you start this nonsense again. Grrr.

<goes off and buffs elbow patch on a dark green chunky knit sweater>

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Thanks for this thread, SM :icon_salut:

I've only got a cheapo vernier that I picked up at the BMF show years ago so it's useful to know what's what for measuring. Much appreciated, chap :pb2:

I keep losing the damn things like biros... I must have about 5 altogther but I can only find two!

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Eee, SexMachine, yer a tit aren't ya :eusa_whistle:

... that's a metric tit by the way, not to be confused with a British imperial type, oh no, that'd be daft and would cause you all kinds of measurement japes...

Still, had a good laugh from it, hell, might even stick some of your backtracking in the quote thread if one of the Mods hasn't moved or deleted it?

...y'tit! :wacko:

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Can I just second my esteemed colleague heds ?


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