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ZZR 250 slow to rev.


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Ayup, one of the lads at work has bought himself a ZZR 250 as his first bike.

Basically its a heap.

Choke works like a switch, either 5 grand or it cuts out.

Once its warm, it doesn`t like to idle, raise the revs and it takes an age to return to idle,before it dies.

Raising the revs from idle takes fooking ages too. Once its up to 3-4 k its spins up ok, but from idle its fucking pathetic.

Trying to get a bit of a head start as I`ll be looking at it on my dinner,half hour max.

Its been standing for a while, reckon the CV carbs are sticking? Whip the tops off and check everythings nice and free?

I really can`t be arsed with this, valuble eating time will be lost.....



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Drain the carbs and go at them with a can of carb cleaner (only open up handy parts).

Then tell hime to go out and rag the tits off it and get a couple of tanks of fresh fuel though the carbs.

Doubt it will work completely but it'll keep him happy for a while, unless you fancy stripping and rebuilding the carbs!!!

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Sticky CV's, air leak or simply blocked idle jets. Either way, pull the carbs off, clean them out, stick 'em back on. Sorted.

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