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Removing knackered exhaust bolts on SRAD


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Right I thought I'd just whip the exhaust off my little old 750 SRAD thinking it would only be a quick job but how wrong was I.

I've got everthing removed out of the way like rad etc and the bolts have had a good soak in WD40 but it looks like someone who got there before me has had trouble with them before as there all fooked.

So has anyone got any good tips that I can try to get these out.

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Run the engine up to temperature (obviously re fit radiator, no need to bolt it on though) and apply some more heat if neccessary with a blow torch

Also you could try and tighten the bolt a fraction to move it from where it is seated, then undo it.. but seriously only move it a tiny fraction, not too much because if one of those studs snap you got a proper pain in the ass job ahead of you. I wouldn't reccomend doing this unless you're pretty handy with a spanner.

Good luck and let us know how you get on.



Ah i just thought that these where corroded and too tight, didnt read that the bolts are fucked. Shite you could have a bastard of a job on. You may have to use a stud extractor kit...ouch) Running the motor up still may loosen the bolts enough to shift them though, give it a go as it sounds like you've not got nuffin to lose....

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It's one of those jobs where the more you try, the worse you'll make it for whoever ends up sorting it out, so don't try toooooo hard!

I had the same thing on an FZ750. All the header bolts were proper siezed. After the first stud snapped off I just handed it to my friendly mechanic and he sorted it all with proper tools in no time. The majority of the work was removing the stud I'd snapped.

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Careful removal with stud extractor, the drill centre of bolt and reverse thread type is best in my opinion.

If all else fails it will probably end in spark erosion. ( a wonderful if slightly expensive procedure)

Been there done that!!

Best of luck.

PS where are you?

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Right, well the good news is that I have got 6 of them out after a bit of messing about. I went and spoke to one of the local bike mechanics and he said that the best way would either be use a torques thats a slight bit over size and bang it in or get a multi point socket a touch to small and bang that on there.

I went with the second opition as I couldn't my torques, so 11mm socket banged on to head of allen bolt then some heat and then slowly work the bolt till it freed up. The only down side is that 2 of them refused to budge and the heads snaped but the enignes coming out so I'll deal with those when I can get on the easier.

Thanks for all you helps guys and I'm sure I'll be back here picking your brains again soon. I don't think my SRAD has ever had any kind of up keep as everything I'm trying to undo just gives me grief.

Oh and grumpyduck I'm in Tonbridge Kent.

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If you have room, try welding an old socket onto the remaining stud.

Disconnect the battery and the CDI first.

or an old nut - the heat can expand the ally, hopefully a bit faster than the steel. i've got a spark eroder, but it is in lincolnshire, and i expect you need to take the head off

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  • 2 weeks later...
or an old nut - the heat can expand the ally, hopefully a bit faster than the steel. i've got a spark eroder, but it is in lincolnshire, and i expect you need to take the head off

I have needed one in the past, but have never known anyone with one, but - why do you have a spark eroder? :eusa_dance:

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I have needed on ein the past, but have never known anyone with one, but - why do you have a spark eroder? :shock:

to remove broken taps etc

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Douse liberally with Penetrating oild for a few days, then heat up with a blowtorch carefully, then give um a whack with a hammer on the end, then get the biggest and strongest mole grips you can find and clamp the bastards as hard as you possibly can, then ease em out.


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Happen often?!

if it's the last threaded hole on something expensive then it's worth the expense of the eroder. you just spark up themiddle of the tap, and it drops out

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Douse liberally with Penetrating oild for a few days, then heat up with a blowtorch carefully, then give um a whack with a hammer on the end, then get the biggest and strongest mole grips you can find and clamp the bastards as hard as you possibly can, then ease em out.


Well that's what me and Zakalwe tried on Project Moneypit, and did it work... did it fuckerslike... :eusa_whistle:

So I've a stud extractor waiting in its packet, waiting for its big moment to shine...

...and if it doesn't work I'll torch the twunt!

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Well that's what me and Zakalwe tried on Project Moneypit, and did it work... did it fuckerslike... :)

So I've a stud extractor waiting in its packet, waiting for its big moment to shine...

Wont work, never works, 20% chance of success at best. Might work actually, but your lucky if it does. Get a nut welded onto the remaining bit of the stud if you can.

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