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SP1 Brakes


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Im having trouble with my front brakes.When I brake,the whole front end will judder.I put this down to warp discs,so I bought a pair off ebay(the wavy type) Now they are doing the same.I cleaned the callipers to make sure they were not sticking but this didnt do anything.Im hoping its not the discs cause there from hong kong and its gonna be a pain to send them back,thats if they will accept them and give me a new pair.Could it be something to do with the callipers,like they need a good service with new seals.Please help as its is impossible to stop the damm thing when your barrelling into a corner!

PS. The pads that are in are new ish,but were used on the old discs first.

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maybe the head bearings need adjusting?

The bike MOT-er will have a brake tester that can tell if the discs are warped.........

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cheers for that guys,gonna try that now.Got a mate with a cbr 600 and gonna see if his wheel will fit mine,if so ill take that out and see what happens. Thanks again. Without PBMAGFORUM my life would be crap!!"!

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Im having trouble with my front brakes.When I brake,the whole front end will judder. Im hoping its not the discs cause there from hong kong

There's your problem.

I recently serviced my friends 'busa calipers and he had dodgy chinese wavy discs on, they had warped to buggery and the quality was atrocious. I advised him to get them replaced, and he insisted on having wavy discs so i fitted Galfer items for him. nuff said.

I really can't get my head around folks fitting shoddy equipment when it comes to brakes i understand if money is tight, but decent EBS kit can be bought for similar money.


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I hear what your all sayin and maybe i should of gone down the route of getting ebs discs.taking it to a motorbike garage where they can tell me if the discs are warped or not.

I know you get what you pay for but over here we seem to get shafted on price just because of a name. These discs are probably made and machined in the same way as your EBS ones, but cause they dont have the name then there treated as crap. I know im gonna be wrong on this and by tomorrow ill know. If im wrong then ill let you know!

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