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whats this on my R1


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yep. ya right its a gel one

Think i`m just going to cut off the blue cable tie, put a black `un in its place and ignor it.Must be there for a reason. Just looks out of place and tatty

Cue argument with dealer in two years time when you come to part ex the bike and they want to know whether the engine has been out of the frame beacuse the cable tie holding the wotsitsname wire were all blue from the factory!

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Thats your speed sensor cable if you follow it it should go to a plug which is the speed sensor Part Number: 4XV-83755-03-00.

Cut that and it will cost you :D

Why it has a naff blue cable tie god knows.

Monkey it is exactly the same type of speed sensor as well hence the 4xv part number

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