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What's your guys best way of sorting track tyre pressures?

Im at Mallory next friday and i'm just putting the final touches to the track 600rr, and im just intrigued as to what pressures i should be running (in pirelli supercorsa pros, soft front, medium rear) And also what's your technique behind know what pressures to be using at the track, regarding temperature/weather etc...


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If it's a nice day I use 28psi and 29-30psi front. I measure the pressures cold at the start of the day. If it's not very warm I may up it by a pound or two.

I use the same tyres on my 98 R1 by the way.

No doubt there will be a tyre guy there on the day so if you're in any doubt just ask. He'll be happy to help.

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Use this. It works.

OK..... Now here is me in my dull work mode....

Tyre pressures are not the same for everyone. They are unique, we all ride at different levels and as such we all need to run different pressures. You need to find the pressures that work for you. It is not difficult but does take a bit of time. You also need to ask your tyre supplier or call the manufacturer to find a recomended hot pressure for track use.

  1. Set your tyres at a pressure you have used before and know has worked or supplied by your tyre supplier. (usually Cold pressure). If you work to a hot pressure then ignore this step.
  2. Get your tyres up to temperature with good warmers not the cheap Chinese no name, Moto GP or Motrax ones.
  3. Once hot Check your pressures again and make a note of the pressure, if you use hot tyre pressures set your tyre pressures now.
  4. Go out and do your first session or practice.
  5. Re-check your tyre pressures as soon as you get in from the track.
  6. If your pressures have dropped then add more air to bring them back up to your original hot pressure. If they have gone up then adjust them down to the hot pressure. Repeat from step 2 until you can go out on track and return after a session and your pressures are within 1 to 2 PSI of the original pressure.

This will set you up and stop you having pressure related tyre issues. All you need to remember is with good tyre warmers they wil get your tyres up to the correct working temperature. Cheap ones will not be so accurate. Once the tyre is hot and ready for use the pressure will have gone up due to this heat and now any pressure changes will be due to the tyre getting hotter or cooling down. Either way you have taken the tyre outside it's optimum temperature and the pressure will go up if the tyre is getting hotter and will go down if they tyre is cooling down.

OK it is a bit dull but it will increase your tyre life and you will feel more comfortable riding the bike hard.

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Are you using tyre warmers?

If so warm the tyre up, measure it hot and keep in warm all day check pressures again after lunch just to make sure that they haven't dropped.

The actual pressures is a personal thing and dependant on temperatures. Go with the above to start with cold. Measure them warm and then have a play and see what you like

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