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Beeks rs/rg500 project


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Thanks Lads

nice comments kind of keep me going as things are quite difficult for me at the moment

so any progress i make is good news some of the small jobs have kept me busy and also gave me the chance to remake a few bits i wasnt happy with, so all in all im happy.

Just wished the weather was better to be able to spray, still could be worse weve only just put the heating on so cant complain with the mild weather weve been having down south, due to have a frost tonight though.

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looks bloody tight in there mate! good job!

Hi Beeks

just having a look back through the thread and found the picture of your fuel filters and battery. Just wondered if you had any concern about them getting hot, being between the pipes because everything on mine gets red hot in that area (Darren Lane built ex James Blonde). On James' first 500 build it cooked everything in close proximity to the engine and exhausts.


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  • 1 month later...

Dispite not being that mobile ive managed to do a few little jobs. i wasnt happy with the rear sets so i managed to copy some levers thanks Vin and make them suitable for mine the result is pretty good. during all this i came across a remote res rear master cylinder in good condition just needed vapour blasting to clean it up

the result, and 75% of them were cut and filed by hand



Then another bargain dropped into my hand some hrc front brake hoses they need some tweaking to fit better the little stubby end will hold the front brake light switch. Really pleased with these as all the fittings are tiny with nice carbon look lines just the thing


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  • 1 month later...

As some of you may of known ive recently had some major spinal surgery so havent been allowed to even look at the garage alone go into it, so its been 2 weeks now since my op and im bored as fook glad the race season is getting underway to keep me occupied as im light duties for several months. I had got some parts of my bike anodised by Neil Pearson from this forum and was waiting to see how it all looked so 10 minutes in the garage while her indoors was out and i managed to assemble them so result.

there are some pics of the before look. This is now the finished look

Im hoping that while im laid up i can get the frame ect painted so im ready to start assembling once i pass the fitness test

im still aiming for a May finish time






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GWS, look forward to seeing this completed and on the road, nice work.

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GWS Beek, have been having back issues myself over the art few months, nothing compared to yours I suspect but having something to focus on must be helpful but equally frustrating. It looks awesome mate.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just finished of the dash

A lot of the switches and buttons wont be used but i felt for a few extra quid it would finish off the looks


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Cheers Si

Getting better everyday but still limited on what im allowed to do, I see the consultant next month to see how he think ive progressed and will go from there.

This gives me time to do small jobs or finish bits off, So things are at least still moving despite me being 100%.

The op i had was only just over 3 weeks ago but its pretty amazing the progress you can make, i guess ive got the surgeon to thank, went in being hardly able to walk and using a stick, came out 4 days later walking on my own with no stick.

3 weeks later able to walk the best part of 2 miles with no pain.

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Glad you are feeling better and up to working on the bike again. Would be good to see this prijetc all finished and on the road.

With regard the dash though, too many switches etc, should be a lot more simple (In my opinion;-) )

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  • 4 weeks later...

im slipping down the list so the latest update

Im feeling pretty good now so progect BEEK GP500 is on again the frame, swingarm wheels ect ect have gone off to the painter. once i get it back in a week or 2. Ill build into a rolling chassis so i can fit the bodywork, then itll go back to get the bodywork finished.

Ive a few bits and bobs to do while this is taking place, so everything should come together around the same time, so sometime in May early June it should be done

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  • 2 months later...

Just finished of the dash

A lot of the switches and buttons wont be used but i felt for a few extra quid it would finish off the looks


your dash still looks less Complicated than Aprilias option
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neat tidy well thought out & good to see another four pot screamer comming together

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  • 1 month later...

its comming along very well & has stoped looking like a 'Pil.............maybe we need a Two stroke forum thread about builders stuck in the golden era. by the toys around the 500 , is this the 'come on kids lets play outside, time'

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Lots of graphics to fit so the black will be toned down with them. i can always add more. but ive got a feeling itll look fine the way ive planned it.

Building the bike was the easy bit designing the paintwork is the hardest part for sure. not so bad if your copying something but though mine is based on Andrea Innone bike http://www.ultimatemotorcycling.com/files/2010-moto2-andrea-iannone-prevails-in-holland%202.jpg

ive had to change quite a few bits to make it suit my bike.

There's plenty of good 500s being built or have been in the past some very nice examples can be found on Google. i think everyone has a desire to build the best they can, that's what ive done

Someone said to me that what ive done is built the complete bike done and finished all in one. where others build them then change bits as they go along. both ways are good as long as it keeps people building these kind of bikes. and at the end of the day its down to individual taste.

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  • 4 months later...


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