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Beeks rs/rg500 project


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  • 2 weeks later...
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Well me hearties

long time since anything has happened partly to do with my back problem if you suffer get it sorted as when you get older its a real pian.

so after sorting the so called electricl problem which turned out to be a sheared of woodruff key yep would you adam and eve it theres me checking everything electrical as no spark and all the time the problem was sat there waiting to be found,

Well today was the try out, fingers crossed it was going to fire up, Well i bloddy hoped so afterall the effort gone into it.

So after checking things and fresh fuel with a bit of premix i gave her a go second or 3rd kick and she was off and running, Was suprised really as it ticked over and responded well added the premix as i was still bleeding the oil lines so may look a bit smokey gradually as it warmed up i could see a bit more smoke guess showing the oil was now bleeding through, yep sure enough the lines are now full so once ive used this ltr or so fuel i can add some good gas.

Ran her up to temp and all is fine no signs of any leaks, well one tiny one on exhaust join but ive not even sealed them anyway so expected really

Pleased she is running





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Good stuff Beek, the bike's sounding sweet, keep up the good work :eusa_pray:

BTW you look a lot younger than I imagined and you don't seem to be showing any visual signs of your back trouble, you're not one of these benefit frauds are you? :D^_^

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Nice one Jason, you will have to upload a video clip so we can hear it running!! Good stuff.

Click on his images in his last post :icon_blackeye:

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  • 2 months later...

After visiting Jason yesterday (with bits I still haven't finished for him), I can honestly say the bike is tiny, it looks fookin amazin. He has thought about everything and it shows.

It is a credit to him, cant wait for it to be finished. (best pull my finger out)


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Thats awesome, sounds crips and just looks right, well done.

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  • 3 weeks later...

All things going to plan sorting out all the little bits now to finish.

Made the seat padded parts just need to get them covered



Wasny happy with the pv motors position as it made things tight in the engine bay, so decided to try some other positions think this is the best option so will make new brackets and position it here out the way, I plan to use just 2 cables to work the front power valves from which ill make a adjustable rod system to connect to the rear ones.



A larger rad was always on the cards when i found one at a reasonable price. guess £30 is pretty reasonable for a large capacity rad. just need to sort out new brackets and reposition the inlets ect


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  • 3 weeks later...

One of the last jobs to be done The air flilter were always going to be a problem and one that couldnt be done until near completion as the fairing had to be in its final position ect.

I was never going to be happy with pod type filters and the original trunks were a poor design, So there was only one choice to make some. I started out making a base that would sit over the carb mouths and take the space available within the fairing, once id got the base sorted the air box sides needed making first i made them in model foam which is easy to cut and sand once id done this i was able to make the fibreglass sides the idea now was the sides will be bonded to the back panel. next up was making the front cover using the sides as the mold, this turned out pretty good so just need to get some dzus fasterners to fix the top

The breather spout was added, note its not long as i intend to keep it within the fairing to breath

The filter element was made using suitable alloy gauze and filter foam.










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All things going to plan sorting out all the little bits now to finish.

Made the seat padded parts just need to get them covered



very nice work

whats the foam seat made of ??

easy to shape by the looks of it

what did u use too stick down ??

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Not sure the name of the foam but was easy to cut and can be sanded down with sand paper the foam is stuck onto a piece of plastic/nylon chopping board with high impact spray on carpet glue, ive put a few hole in the board and threaded them so i can screw some bolts right through and through the seat so just a small 6mm nut holds it on underneath, my idea is to cover the seat but waiting to find some suitable material.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Id planned that March was the time to paint my bike but things got a bit behind and new jobs appeared so maybe towards the end of the month ill be nearer painting but some of the recent jobs include

It looks one mean mother fucker undressed


New radiator fitted and plumbed in also in pic carbon dash with the warning lights and temp gauge now fitted


Lower fairing modded so creating a nice vent for lower radiator



and after



made the seat base from nylon and close cell foam and covered them, Pleased with them as not easy covering seats with awkward shapes



Decided to trim the rear wings of the fairing, think it looks better now




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A nice sunny day gave me the chance to get some decent photos in a bit more space. really please with the mods ive done to the rear part of the fairing

Now ready for painting as i can finish any jobs as i rebuild it.

The bike is going to be know as a BEEK GP500











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I like that very much !

It all seems to fit together very well from all angles :lol:

Your right Jon

today was the first time for a few months id been able to get the bike in the garden with more space so i could get a better pic and im pleased with it ive done quite a few mods to the fairing but hadnt seen them from a distance. once everything is bolted one itll look good for sure

The only thing bugging me is front indicators, ive got some small ones thatll fit in the fairing but ? do i want mirrors maybe there is a tiny set out there with indicators built in. just a thought

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  • 8 months later...

Wheres that Beek gone not been posting much recently.

As some of you guys know i done my back in a couple of months ago ( tore a disc ) so havent been to active, but ive managed a few little jobs just to keep the fire burning and show that project " BEEK GP500 " is still going strong.

At the moment the bike is in bits im planning to get the frame and swingarm painted as soon as i can so i can start rebuilding the bike, but ive had a chance to do a few little jobs just to improve things

so enjoy the pics and dont wet your pants looking at my ideas




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Getting the hang of the lathe and the mill then Jason?

Been a bit hectic out here so havent had much time to answer e mails. (plus its too warm to spend time inside.............)



ps coming along nicely

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