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Beeks rs/rg500 project


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After finding a suitable bender with the right size dies, i was able to crack on and get the stingers bent ready to get welded.

first impressions look pretty good so please as it now looks like a bike

The little jobs seem to take for ages finishing but once i get a few bits delivered ill be able to cross a lot of the jobs of the list







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Its coming along now,i can`t belive how small and compact the engine looks.No wonder they get shoe horn`d into 250 frames...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Decided to redo the lower stingers to tuck them in nicer, also managed to finish the small rad and get it how i wanted. if all goes to plan the engine will be in and fired up this month, so expect it to rain every day in september if i do.







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  • 4 weeks later...

wiring tell me about it im still not 100% done yet

the problem is ive replace the suzuki switch gear with some after market ones so it kind of where there were 8 wires i now only need 6 to do the same job but what 6 i think im ok now just waiting for some decent connectors and ill be able to tidy the loom up.

one of those jobs i dont get on with im not to good on the electrics so does my head in but after a while i feel i can have another bash and then make progress. well i hope so anyway.

still got lots to do as i now realise some things are not how i wanted them so once ive got the engine going ill be able to change a few bits before it all comes apart again to paint. but so far im happy its took a while to do and have manage to do it all myself apart from maching jobs my good mate paul ( eddie ) from the forum does for me so a big thanks to him and my mate roger who does my welding.

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After deciding that this isnt going to be painted as some sort of race rep, ive came up with this design nothing certain and the colours may change but think this is the way ill be going.


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Yeh black frames look cool............

glad youv'e decided to do away with the polished look

Sorry, I've got to disagree, the bare ali frame looks much better IMHO.

The bike is looking good tho!

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After deciding that this isnt going to be painted as some sort of race rep, ive came up with this design nothing certain and the colours may change but think this is the way ill be going.


Your build/mechanical skill appear to be top notch going by this thread, but dam, your paint / design skills are pretty much non existant! ;)

Please, leave the frame ally/silver, and get someone in who isn't colour blind to design you a paint job! :eusa_think:

You have a stunning bike and have done a superb job building it. :lol:

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Thanks Guys

There is no simple solution leave the frame bear and have to polish it all the time, have it painted and risk chips and scratches whatever way has pros and cons,

Now i thought some of you guys may of liked the different paint scheme as its different like the whole bike is, come on you dont expect me to paint it the same as all the others, you must understand to be different is some time good,

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I just like the brushed alloy look and errrrr, white wheels, buts thats just me.

Mate, at the end of the day it's your bike, so aslong your happy with the finished product it dosen't matter what any of us lot think!

It looks the business at the moment and I'm sure the once the bodyworks finished and painted it will gorgeous. :icon_salut:

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looking good beek hows the front wheel to rad / pipe clearance under full fork compression (looks like it going to be very tight)

Build on !!!!

The rad and pipes clearance was sorted very early on in the build, its not the sort of thing you want to be worrying about at this stage of any bike build, its such an easy thing to do undoing the fork tops and letting it go to full compession, but youll be suprised just how many people wouldnt bother and end up with all sorts of problems.

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i reckon the paint would look alrate,this is a technical sports 250 in similer paint tsr2506fs.png


Thats the one,, I saw this ages ago on the web and loved the design but could never find the pics again so thanks for this one, looks even better than i thought, nice like that a lot

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Don't often look in this section, glad I did now.

Some top work and no doubt it's gonna be a blinder when you are finished.

As far as the frame goes what about a scotchbrite finish? Easy to achieve and a doddle to maintain, would give it a prototype factory look.

The one thing I'm not sure on is the paintwork tho' but each to his own. I'd be tempted to go down the race rep route but choose a really obscure Japanese Suzuka jobbie from the mid eighties.

Keep it up fella and as far as electrics go I can't stand them and struggle like fuck but stick at it, write it all down and you'll get there in the end.

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looking good with the wiring in mate,and back to the frame,polished finish or powder coated,have you thought about the brushed look?ive done it to my swingarm and i think it looks pretty good sipics1326.jpg

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Yes i considered the brush alloy effect, my main problem is the anodise on the frame so difficult to get of and then the cast sections will need to be flattened. Do i really want all this work to do, ? not sure

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Yep every thing will get heat insulated for sure, the loom is bear as i had a wire problem im still not 100% convinced ive solved, so have left it bear but tucked away for now. filters will be ok once ive wrapped the pipes.. got everything i need to finish

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  • 3 weeks later...
That is going to look fecking gorgeous when finished! :confused:

The shape and porportion of the fairing and seat look perfect to me.

Looking at the angle of dangle, I think you might need to rotate the whole fairing forwards a bit, at the mo' the bottom is parallel with the floor but the bike is on a stand so with both wheels on the floor the fairing is gonna be tipped backwards. I know it took me a day and an age to get the fairing on my Spondon to look right but it makes a huge difference. There's a lot of RG specials that don't quite look right because the fairing is too high at the front and it's a shame.

Just my thoughts anyway, crackin build, keep up the good work!

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