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Battery Life ?


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How long should you get from a battery these days ?

98 ZX9R , generally used at weekends , less so in the winter , mainly short journeys in winter .

Kept in a garage .

I'm not sure when it last had a battery , possibly 5 or 6 years , bit reluctant turning over but fired ok earlier , (was a bit chilly though) did about 2 or 3 miles , journey back wouldn't start first go , hit the button again and it sorta choked.

Turned it off and back on again ( I'm a Computer Engineer :biggrinvk4: ) and it started , but I noticed it reset the clock and trip.

Kinda worried now as it's my only transport at the mo .

Put it straight on charge when I got back and the C-Tech charger went green straight away.

Is my charger lying or is it on the way out ?

Help me Obi-Wan Kenobe , you're my only hope ...

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I'll be very surprised if you get much more than 6 years out of a battery.Just get a new one,can't be that expensive.Saves you the hassle of it dying on you at a remote place.

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Yeah , used to work in a car parts place and we reckoned about 5 or 6 years , no problem getting one , just surprised the charger said it was ok .

I know that's only on voltage not cranking capacity , but I don't have a drop tester to test it .

I'll get another anyway for peace of mind .

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If you're not using the bike very regularly then the battery is probably going to last a shorter time than if you were out every other day.

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Ha ha !

Good point , it is a drop tester , just ordered a new one , I guess it lasted quite well !

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Although the charger will look at volts and tell you it is all Ok, it will not tell you the amperage.

My battery got old and had exactly your symptoms, I turned the ignition on with a voltage tester across the battery, all was well for the first 3 minutes then it started dropping 0.1 volts each second. New battery did not exhibit this behaviour and cured the previous problems.

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OCD mode: It's called current, not amperage, same as your height isn't measured in meterage or your weight kiloage.

Right then, now that's off my chest, carry on...

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The battery in my trusty old 600 fazer is the one it came from japan with and is 14 years old and still going strong after 26000 miles,ive never had to buy a battery for a bike that ive used every day all year round, but the fzr400 and r1s battery have all shat themselves at some time after a winter lay up.

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Largely ornamental 1999 TL1000R still on original battery , has lived indoors on a cycling float charger all its life.

Usually get unhooked, gets ridden for a few hours, restarted a few times then put away and back on charge, so I suspect it might not actually be much good anymore.

Hoping to get down to the Classic Bol D`Or in Sept so think a new battery may be prudent .

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Well the new battery arrived yesterday , just filled it and stuck it on charge.

the old one would still start the bike , but it felt like you only had one or two stabs of the button then it would fail.

32 squid for peace of mind .

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If anyone's interested fitted the new battery today and it spins something like 50% quicker , nicely !

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