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Noisy Gixxxxxxaagh 600 Srad


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I have an SRAD 600 on my bench at the moment, lad bought it then promptly ran it low on oil (oil light on), filled it up and now it's making noises.

Now, when it's cold, it's fine. As soon as the motor gets to operating temp, it starts getting progressively noisy. It sounds awful, like a tinny knock that gets louder with revs, but is there at idle.

First thought it CCT, but unlike every other bike with camchain noises I've heard. Doesn't have that camchain 'rattle' on the overrun.

I've got the cams out, they have some wear but no damage on the journals, nothing amiss it seems.

What's puzzling me is the fact it gets noisy when warm, and doesn't sound like a big end knock as it's too regular unless all 4 have copped it!

Any ideas?


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Oil Gets thinner and the pressure drops as the engine warms up. Big ends are likely to have gone first.

Have look down the plug hole and see if the valves are touching any of the pistons. If the big ends have gone chances are the extra float will allow contact.

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Oil Gets thinner and the pressure drops as the engine warms up. Big ends are likely to have gone first.

Have look down the plug hole and see if the valves are touching any of the pistons. If the big ends have gone chances are the extra float will allow contact.

Ta Mister Dunc. I'll have a gander tomorrow!

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New motor I'd say, most cost effective a lot of the time.

Does the 750 motor fit ? Worthwhile upgrade ?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Pretty sure it does, seem to remember a local lad doing it, with little, of any bother

This is what I've heard, and I've seen a few 600's for sale with 750 motors fitted so it should* be fine.

*Limited warranty

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  • 2 weeks later...

I ended up putting it back together and returning it to him. Was looking like being a pita of a job!

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