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Oil Pickup/sump Baffle For A Bike Engine In A 'thing' That's Not A Bike...


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I can't spell it out exactly 'cos it's a bit hush hush at the mo, but I'm helping to put a CBR600 (1995) engine in basically a car-style thing and one of it's main jobs will be to do doughnuts and burnouts, hopefully wheelies too and as such, need to do something about the oil in the sump...

I know I can put a basic flat plate with lots of smaller holes in it sandwiched between the standard sump pan and crankcases, but I've also heard about swinging pick ups, but that's as much as I know about them.

School me peeps.

Oh, bear in mind this has to be done as quickly and cheaply, and preferably easily as possible!

Cheers in advance ;)

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Bendy rubber pipe into a really deep sump?

Ideally we'd like to keep it all within the existing sump if possible cos it all fits at the moment.

Any excuse to whore that smelly old fur coat in the background ;-)

You love it.

There'll be a lot more whoring over Winter, don't you worry.

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Not sure if this is any help for your application but might be worth a look.

When I bought my manual CCT I recall APE did a 'swivel' type oil pick-up for drag bikes- when they launch all the oil flows to the back of the sump

Browsing from my phone (which is shit) but did find this


The guys at APE are very helpful, I had some queries on the CCT and they were quick & helpful when responding, maybe they might be able to help or offer advice?

Cheers. Jim

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Cbr6? Wouldn't squire rather a blade or r1 for zcar funs?

It's not really a ZCar this thing, and honestly, an old CBR6 lump will do more than enough damage.

But yes, ideally I'd have stuck an R1 in it of course! :pb2:


Not sure if this is any help for your application but might be worth a look.

When I bought my manual CCT I recall APE did a 'swivel' type oil pick-up for drag bikes- when they launch all the oil flows to the back of the sump

Browsing from my phone (which is shit) but did find this


The guys at APE are very helpful, I had some queries on the CCT and they were quick & helpful when responding, maybe they might be able to help or offer advice?

Cheers. Jim

That's the sort of ideal ultimate pickup I'd love to fit Jim, but that one needs it's one specific flat floor sump to allow the pickup to swing around unobscured in. Thanks very much for the link though ;)

I must admit that I've not had this CBR6 sump off yet, and can't remember from memory how much room there is in the last one so I may even find that a swinging pickup isn't really practical in this after all. It may just be a flat plate baffle and instructions not to hang the arse out of it for tooooooo long or there'll be trouble.

Depending how today's work on it goes, I may have the sump off later, or tomorrow.

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Looking at pictures of CBR600 engines and sumps, as you suspect a swinging pickup won't work, they are designed for wide shallow sumps in sidecars or drag bikes as mentioned.

A baffle between the sump and crank case will do the trick. Try and only have a hole in the middle around the pickup pipe, you may need to make the plate in 2 pieces. You only need a hole about 25mm diameter to let the oil drain back to the sump.

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Sounds like a reasonable plan Dunc, ta. It's also the simplest/quickest/cheapest so I like that ;)

I've also got a weird mystery rattle to sort on this engine too. I'm 99% sure it's camchain related but am trying to get the crusty thing to bits now (it's not been for a very, very long time) and just getting the carbs off was like an archaeology dig...

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Interesting this & a few pic's as you go wouldn't go amiss chap, if you have time of course :)

Sadly I won't really be able to put much up about it until after the 'thing' that it's needed for...

This must have summat to do with your nutty mate Colin.. lol

Might do...

Are you going to be on telly/youtube again Mark?

Not unless this goes horribly wrong, no!

And it most likely will...

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Just a teaser...


I take it that's some sort of Japanese pick-up truck. Could you let me know what chassis it is?

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