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With the upcoming engine rebuild of the Mrs NC30, I've decided to change the stuff in my parts cleaner from a gunky black liquid, to something that will actually make the engine bits cleaner instead of dirtier!

I've used Jizer in the past, and it seems to have gone up a little in price (£80/25L) but is fairly effective stuff & has lasted a long time.

Can anyone suggest any other degreasers? The parts washer is inside, so would rather avoid anything overly explosive!


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You may perhaps notice a warning label (see what I did there?) on parts washers fitted with an electric pump

specifically stating NOT to use paraffin incase of fumes being electrically ignited and exploding.

But who believes any of that nonsense?

Tricoethylene for the win. (banned for being carcinogenic? what a load of fooey!)

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Brake cleaner for the mother fucking highly volatile win. Which i think is the same as trike as as mentioned above

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Parrafin a no-no.

Brake cleaner evaporates, so no good!

Needs to be water soluble ideally. Might have to be Jizer!

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Paraffin looses the smell after a little while it's not too bad. 99% of it washes of when you rinse it in the sink. I half fill mine with water, all the gunk sinks to the bottom and I empty it out every year or so.

Jizer is kero as the main ingredient anyway isn't it?


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Used to use Rock Oil's 'SOC' (Soluble Organic Cleaner) in the workshop, for de-greasing stuff.

Good ol' fashioned Gunk was good as well, but always had to be careful of what it was getting used on (unfinished surfaces and the like).

Dunno what the current 'hot poop' product would be.


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Most off the paint has flaked off my Ducati cases, tric has had a funny effect on the ally, the moment it dissolves the bare ally gets a white powdery finish immediately, I presume the ally is just healing because the surface is completely clean? Can you still spray engine enamel over it?

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Every time I see this thread I get this song stuck in my head, but with the title changed to suit.

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