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R1 Gear Selection Problem


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2002 5pw- was riding home from work last night gearbox has been working fine, went to change into 6th but it wouldn't go in, gear lever wouldn't move. It did eventually go into 6th.

Was also a struggle going down the box although the lower gears seem to select ok and it went into neutral without a issue.

There's no banging or grinding just feels like the lever is jamming.

Any ideas?

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it could be the detent spring. Fingers crossed for you it is.

there's a small spring which returns the lever to position between shifts.

not unknown for these to break. Happened to a mate with a 5jj 01 model.... when we were halfway down through France heading to the pyrenees.

(AFAIK the R1 gearbox is exactly the same from 99 4xv to your 03 5PW - not sure about the later models?)

the good news is, you can access the detent spring externally, there's no need to drop the engine out or split the cases to get to the gearbox.

you'll need to remove the front sprocket cover, then the cover which supports the end of the gear shift shaft.

the spring itself is a quid or two at best IIRC, so worth getting one anyway and putting it in.

if it's not that.......... then it might not be such good news

PS before you do the above, check the obvious stuff like it's not the gear lever itself that's binding somewhere, is the shift shaft / linkages etc all present and correct, working as it should?

PPS the detent spring is part #21 on this diagram



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Thanks Jim, Im hoping it is just the spring.

Just thinking it might be something in the box itself because it seems ok in the lower gears?

Not looked at it yet as it was 2.00 am when I got in.

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Thanks Jim, Im hoping it is just the spring.

Just thinking it might be something in the box itself because it seems ok in the lower gears?

Not looked at it yet as it was 2.00 am when I got in.

no worries, happy to try & help. I have some intimate experience of R1 gearboxes :wub:

I seem to recall my mate could get some gears but not the others, it was random hit and miss.

as I said, it's not an unknown problem for the spring to break, and it's the first thing I'd be checking after the physical stuff like the lever, shift rod etc

check that and replace the spring anyway, hopefully that will sort it, before you go any further.....

.......but even then, it's not the end of world if you have to. gearbox rebuilds, pah piece of piss

Good luck fella

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Detent spring is intact, could it be that its weak?

I can move selector drum easily by hand and it selects gear ok

yes, possibly weak.

while you've got access to it, for the sake of a couple of quid or whatever they are, I'd change it anyway. then you know that's not the issue.

IIRC the detent spring doesn't affect selecting gear, it just controls the return of the lever to its resting position.

you could try taking out the rest of the shift mechanism out while you're there and check everything's ok. And I'm guessing you've checked the lever itself and the linkage rod, everything a-ok there?

then.... after that.... I'm afraid the rest of the gearbox - input and output shafts, and selector drum & forks - means engine out and splitting the crankcases.

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44k on the clock.. Dont rule out clutch plates worn. I only say this as you say it was difficult to go DOWN the gears. Also change oil.

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I took the mechanism out all looks fine, I put it all back together and it feels worse.

I'll try changing the spring as the lever isn't returning to its resting position.

Once its in gear it stays in gear doesn't jump out its just finding the gears!

I'll pull it apart again

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i had a similar issue with a zx12r that ended up getting stuck in a gear dropped the sump and i moved the drum back to neutral but still would not play ball. turned out the detent wheel itself was held on by a bolt and the thread on the casting had stripped so the wheel was wobbling around. ended up making a spacer up and bolting it in place . may not help but its a thought

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Found this the second time I took it apart after more coffee.

My mates 5jj that has been parked at mine for a while has supplied the parts the get me back on the road

Thanks for the help

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