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Raising Rear Ride Height Advice?


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After deciding to keep my bike (BMW K1300S) instead of getting a smaller but better handling thing, I'd like to see if I can sharpen it up a bit.

It goes, it stops, it's stable and comfy. It goes round mid sized and big corners.

I struggle with tight corners though because it's so bloody long and heavy.

I've found a company who do some plates, specifically for my bike, which raise the ride height by 16mm. They are made from 2014a anodised aluminium.

Will these help? Or is it bollocks? I don't mind faster steering at all, just worried about buggering up the geometry, rising rate etc.


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I raised my Blackbird by 8 mm at the shock which helped lots. I guess it depends where the 16 mm is measured as thst seems a lot. It's likely to be a bit more lively for sure but mine is still stable.

I raised my Blackbird by 8 mm at the shock which helped lots. I guess it depends where the 16 mm is measured as thst seems a lot. It's likely to be a bit more lively for sure but mine is still stable.

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As has been said, 16mm where? At the seat, that's not too bad, 16mm longer dog bones on the linkage, that'd be huge! I've been doing some testing with my suspension recently (people have told me off for mentioning it too often....), mine feels planted at speed but really nervous, like I'm riding over painted lines in the wet, when I'm doing slower speed tighter stuff. It's early days yet, but the signs are pointing to the idea that I can't get enough weight over the front to get any feel, so softening the preload & damping there is the way I'm going to go. It'd certainly be worth having a play, doing one thing at a time, and see if you can get things feeling a bit more intuitive and confidence giving. Just take notes as you go. This post is a really nice methodical way of working out what you're doing, what each tweak will correspond to in your head, and help you solve your conundrum (with a bit of luck).

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Had a look at their website, doesn't say where the 16mm is so I'll ring tomorrow.

That's a fancy spacer Tony, did you make it?

I would have been quite happy with my lot but I've started riding with a couple of lads with fireblades and been round Spain twice and Scotland together. They are much faster than me but I've improved a lot. They only lose me on tight turns now, esp if they're bumpy. I've got rid of my chicken strips for the first time in 30 years and often get the TC light flickering in the dry!

I've ridden theirs and would dearly love something similar but it would cripple me, plus I commute on my bike.

So I thought if I could sharpen up the steering a bit then I'd be happy, it needs more weight over the front end I think. Next tyres will be sportsmarts instead of the roadsmarts I've always had.

With it having funny front end and electronic compression and preload I'm restricted with other suspension adjustment.

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Change the tyres first, you might find their different profile gives you the changes you want.

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Soften the front end off a bit. My conclusive experiments* have shown two things; firstly the front feels shit at slow speeds with the suspension too hard, secondly, that bumps in a bend feel shit. Of course, I don't know exactly how adjustable a big K is as they're a bit wierd, and all of this could be bollocks because of the whole telelever thing, but try less preload and a little bit less damping too.

*5 minutes with a 14mm spanner and a little flat head, followed by a 20 minute ride to work. Proper science, that.

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What is your standard set up ? I don't remember my K1300S feeling heavy when ridden tbh, with the funny front end does raising the rear do the same as with normal forks ?

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Finally, I'm on a real pooter.

Couch, standard setup is just the choices I get with the electronic suspension, 3 compression settings and 3 preload.

I never really noticed it being heavy before I started riding regularly with the fireblade guys but I can't ride a litre sportsbike cos of my stupid body. I'm reluctant to get rid of my K1300S because I'd never get another one like it. I can't afford another HP2 Sport (the only one up for sale at the mo is £24k).

I rang the dogbone supplier today, the 16mm increase refers to the overall height of the bike at the point above the shock - roughly front of seat, not at the linkage. You'll know yourself what a stupidly long wheelbase it has!

Thanks to you all :)

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If it's at the seat then it's nothing too radical. Sod it, what's the harm, give it a try, if you don't like it, refit the old ones, dogbones aren't crazy expensive, are they?

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60 quid, seem well made too.

Slight problem though, just found an HP2 for sale (had one 2 years ago, it was written off and I couldn't find another when I got the insurance money). This changes everything :facepalm:

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