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Kawasaki Ignition Switch Help, Resistor Related


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Hi all,

Bought an aftermarket switch from tinterweb for the ZXR and now it just turns over and won't fire. (the original dodgy one does).

On reading up, the OEM ones have a resistor in the switch as some kind of anti theft device (known as the infamous greay wire).

My question is can you bypass this or do I need to solder in a 100ohm resistor between the switch and the CDI?

Any thoughts would be appreciated chaps....

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Well, sorted it. as the key not turning was he problem, I removed the barrel from the new aftermarket ignition switch and fitted it to the OEM switch with the resistor in it.

So I have 2 keys and working barrel...taadaaaa*

*Separate key for the fuel cap but easily sorted with a spin on type effort

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