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What Temp Should My Fan Cooling Fan Cut In?


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Went out for a jaunt yesterday and inevitably got caught in a bit of School Run traffic. Noticed the temp going up but not really worried until I noticed it peaked at 110c, which I thought was a bit hot. The fan then cut in and the bike cooled to 99c before the fan cut out, I double checked this when I got back home and sure enough the fan cuts in at 110-111c and shuts off at 99c.

Seems a bit late to me.

Time for a new fan switch or is this standard.

Bike is a 99 4xv R1.


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Pretty standard I think. My 4xvs used to get pretty hot in traffic. The temperature will start to flash if it gets too hot.

My blade occasionally gets up to 108 in traffic but then cools with the fan.

If you're that worried just wire in a manual switch, it's a piece of piss on a 4XV so you can turn the fan on whenever you want.

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Mine too (5jj), used to kick in at about 105! - Bit unnerving but ''they are do that sir.....''

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On the 4xv the fan should come on between 104-108 deg.C

It should then cut off once the temp's back down to c.96 degC

So yours is coming on later than it should.

Things to check are:

Temp sender

Thermo switch

radiator cap (the spring can weaken over time)

Worth noting that on the 4xv the temp sender and thermo (fan) switch are separate components; on the 5JJ model they are combined into one unit.

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Thanks for the feedback.

Rad cap is only 18months old so think thats ok.

Could try a new temp gauge sender though.

Think it might be time for a new (ish) fan sensor, wonder if theres one that cuts in sooner, maybe from another model?

Or I might not worry too much about it as the dash warning light never flashes so it might be all ok and Im having a fret over nothing.

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Well from what you say the fan isn't coming on soon enough (and possibly switching off too soon also)

If you fancy swapping some parts out to try & eliminate it, I think I've still got a spare temp sender and fan switch in the garage somewhere from when I had my 4xv

I'm not back in the uk until next week but if you pm your address I'll see if I can find them & pop em in the post to you, if you want?

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and replied to. retrieved them from my garage this morning so they're ready to post out

just a thought, on the 4xv there's also an earth wire that bolts into the rad, just below the temp sender IIRC

the end of the wire can get corroded from road spray etc.... worth checking that's all present and correct

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