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Ldd Zxr750 Stalling Issue


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Having a knightmare with my LDD ZXR750 at the moment. It starts and revs up fine, but once you try and go anywhere it stalls. Put it in gear, rev the nuts off it as much as you like, but once theres any load it just cuts out. Was thinking it could be the sidestand switch, but surely this would kill it as soon as its put in gear? Other culprits are then ignition, or fuel. Could the carbs still be gummed up but still allow it to rev when at a standstill? Is there anything else obvious that I could be overlooking?

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does the side stand switch not kick in once you start to let the clutch out? you can joing the two wires for it together and it makes it think everything is ok.

is it cutting out as you let the clutch out? there is a clutch switch under the leaver that can do this as well

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Its cutting out as I let the clutch out. Thinking about it I should have put the bike on a rear stand and tried it whilst on that to see if will spin the back wheel round. I went straight onto checking stuff like spark plug gaps and fuel tank venting (basically working my way through the suggestions in my haynes manual)The sidestand switch connects to nothing, the loom had been hacked to bits as its an ex racebike, will have to have a good look at the loom see if I can find whats been done with the wiring. I always thought the sidestand switch killed the engine once a gear was selected, but if there is a switch on the clutch it could be this thats causing the grief.

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I would very much start with the clutch switch, where in the country are you?

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Will start by looking at clutch switch then the sidestand switch wiring. Its at the MOT testers at the moment, be lucky to get it back today they reckon, so can't do anything with it at the moment. I'm in Leeds BTW.

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if it had been hacked up it could be anywhere, but it does sound like the clutch switch. they are often bypassed on a race loom though.

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Stick it on a stand and find out. A clutch switch is easy enough to bypass but I wonder if it employs some sneaky thing like some suzukis do where it'll only rev up to a certain amount with the clutch bypassed?

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No, the clutch is bypassed on mine and it pulls clean through

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Could be the coils breaking down under load? If the carbs have had a good scrub and there are no air leaks this could be a possibility.

If you rev the fuck out of it and slip the clutch will it pull?

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  • 2 weeks later...

It turned out that the sidestand switch had beeb bypassed, but the connectors doing this were loose. Cheers for all the replys

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