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Assembly Lube ?


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A month or so ago, I bought a very cheap KLX650, aware that it was a bit of a smoker

I've got the engine in bits, waiting for a lovely forged Wossner 2mm oversize piston

Looking at the service manual, it says to pop molybdenum disulfide grease on the sides of the piston for assembly

I've never seen this before, have always just used engine oil with no issues.I know a lot of people use assembly lube for cam journals etc.

What's the view of the PB flock ?

Engine oil ?

Assembly lube ?

Just blindly follow what the service manual says ?

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I've got a whole load of fully synth to go in , but will probably use summat a bit cheaper for the first 20 miles or so - the cylinder will be newly bored and honed to suit the oversize piston

I'm just perplexed that the Kawasaki manual references moly grease for the piston

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Many years ago , I think it was Wynnes used to sell it, came in a tube , consistency of Gorilla snot.

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Full synthetic is not ideal for bedding rings into fresh bores. the moly grease is just for start-up, oil or ca assembly lube will do the same, but if the engine is sat for a few weeks before start-up, the oil will have drained away, potentially causing damage to your fresh bore and piston.

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Indeed - I've always used just cheap oil for the initial startup / heat cycle and then changed it to my preferred slippery stuff

I've got some assembly lube lying around the place that I'll use on the cams / journals / tappets , and maybe where indicated on the piston in the service manual

The I'll be running the motor as soon as it's built up , so no worries about oil draining away

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