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Speedo Problems


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well, the new battery didnt sort things out..Im totally flummoxed noo, so it looks like I have to start all over again from the beginning ...

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Thing is mate you might have goosed something due to the bad connection on the battery. You are/have been causing a short all the time for god knows how long tbh.

If the clocks have any micro processors in them (im unsure) you would/could have fried them due to the short,but dont quote me on this.

Heres a US wiring diagram mate.(Speedometer & lights at top) Look at the GREEN/BLACK tracer wire as that is the earth, check its all ok as this also goes into the speedo sensor.If your sensor is goosed then your clock aint workin.

If the coolant gauge works id say that half might be ok,. But id be looking at the speedo Sensor.See if you get a reading from that.. The diagram should help with finding the fault. In a min i will post up what model the speedo sensor comes off. EDIT:- Nope sensor is only on 95-97 blades.


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Ive chrcked out the speedo sensor, powered it up and linked my multimeter to the signsl and earth..no fault was found as its giving everything that it should be..

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HornTail light work? If not its the 10amp fuse blown..

Try wiggling the plug that goes into the speedo unit..

If it aint workin after that, id say that the speedo UNIT is at fault. so you can either just get that bit or try new clocks.

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HornTail light work? If not its the 10amp fuse blown..

Try wiggling the plug that goes into the speedo unit..

If it aint workin after that, id say that the speedo UNIT is at fault. so you can either just get that bit or try new clocks.

Horn and tail lights are working so if they are all off the same fuse then it isnt that either..Yeah Im beginning to think that the fault lies in the unit, one of the lads has one of those sillyscope things and he has offered to run a diagnostic using that...

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Out of interest, have you checked the charging rate?

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Yes mate, ive done everything suggested..its getting hooked up to a sillyscope on sunday, hopefully that will show what is wrong

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OK, so my mate came down from Stirling this afternoon with his box of voodoo tricks and double checked what I had checked, so then we detached the speedo sensor from the bike and then tested the system for a pulse, and sure enough we were getting the reading that all was working and all was what it should be, we then reattached the speedo sensor to its housing and tested again...nowt, not a single blip was showing on the scope..

So, the thinking then was that maybe the sprocket nut had some how come loose and that may be whats causing the grief, stripped down the sprocket cover and attached the sensor directly to the nut, nut was well and truelly done up kipper tight but I attached the sensor directly (minus the housing and drive plate chain guide) and bingo we yet again have all the signs that all is working properly..

Next train of thought was, what if the sensor isnt making contact with the nut, so putting it all back together we decided to leave out the chain guide plate( which is about 6 or so mm thick) and bingo number two, once again we get all the correct signals, I fires up the bike(its up on abba), slips it into gear and give it some gentle revs..and sure enough, the speedo is working fine and dandy...

O.K. now this raises couple of questions, what could have moved with the set up so the the sensor now does not reach the sprocket nut and how important is the drive chain guide plate, can i run without it or is it a must have?.

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good news, went back and had another go at the bloody thing seeing as it wouldn't run with the drive chain guide in place, located the sensor over the sprocket nut, located the rest of the housing along with the DCguide and just horsed up the bolts as tight as I could get them, slapped the old girl in gear and let her tick for a bit, 3/10th of a mile on the trip and the speedo responding to the throttle...noo would you believe it, its fucking raining!... :lol:

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