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Speedo Problems


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Easter sunday the speedo on my 96 Blade gave up the ghost and stopped working.. Ive replaced the speedo sensor cable but still nowt, Im now about to go check over the wiring with my trusty multimeter before I strip the clocks out and check the back for rust damage or other gremlins..anything else I should be checking over while Ive got the tank off and everything unplugged?.

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I viewed it, had a look to see if it's on a cable drive or on a sensor on the front sprocket, couldn't see which it was then thought 'fuck it, not enough info'.

If it's a cable drive, use a cordless drill as you work, or a dremel, so you can suss out if it's fixed without reassembling everything.

If it's from the front sprocket, you'll probably find that there's a plastic thing that cups over the nut on the sprocket and this has come loose. Big splodge of glue or a new drive.

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I viewed it, had a look to see if it's on a cable drive or on a sensor on the front sprocket, couldn't see which it was then thought 'fuck it, not enough info'.

If it's a cable drive, use a cordless drill as you work, or a dremel, so you can suss out if it's fixed without reassembling everything.

If it's from the front sprocket, you'll probably find that there's a plastic thing that cups over the nut on the sprocket and this has come loose. Big splodge of glue or a new drive.

its got a new sensor on it, Im sure I said...then again maybe no..anyway, Ive given up and im noo in and having tea and toast..

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Its looking like i may have to strip the clocks of and check for water damage to the gubbins, im not too sure what im doing here but im guessing spray over with contact cleaner and rub off any verdigree, is there a spray to seal off the cleaned up stuff to protect it from any more water ingress?.

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if its not one bit of pish its another..cant find my bloody multimeter, so Im off up the pub!...

fuck sake, 28 views and not one of you know anything about speedometers????...

I know they don't keep them behind the bar in wor pubs !

The staff struggle reading the till !

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If it's a cable drive, use a cordless drill as you work, or a dremel, so you can suss out if it's fixed without reassembling everything.


Just a word of warning, if you do this, make sure your drill/Dremel is set to turn the correct way for the speedo cable.

If you don't check and happen to have it set to turn in the opposite direction, you'll end up unravelling the individual steel strands that make up the cable and breaking the locator pin thingy off the end, thus destroying your speedo cable in about 2 seconds flat.

It was very fucking annoying <_<

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Bad earth


Loose connection.

hard to diagnose on the net.. Check harness around headstock area and all the relevant plugs near there. Water can get into these and make the connections go green and furry,not in a good way lol

Spray contact cleaner on each one once you have tested and cleaned them.

Is anything else on the clocks NOT working?

Do you have lights,indicators,blah blah.

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Yes, everything is working bar the speedo, speedo is electric but not digital, ive replaced the speedo sensor so that should rule out that part of the wiring, im taking it that soft cloth to rub down the board other than emmery board which i will use on the connection plugs..anything else i should be aware of once the speedo is out and opened up?.

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Yes, everything is working bar the speedo, speedo is electric but not digital, ive replaced the speedo sensor so that should rule out that part of the wiring, im taking it that soft cloth to rub down the board other than emmery board which i will use on the connection plugs..anything else i should be aware of once the speedo is out and opened up?.

Now i would not be so hasty to rip into the clocks myself until i had confirmed all the wiring was ok. You need to see if you are getting power to the speedo part as the rest of the clocks work.

For instance, the sensor you got might be faulty as well.. have you tested it?

Id get a wiring diagram for your bike and use that to trace and eliminate faults.

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Yes, tested the replacement and tested the old one, ive still got the wires from the plug to speedo to check over, wire diagram and fault check list is there and ready to follow, im just wanting to prepair myself for after those are checked and deemed ok..

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Well test away mate,, and come back if no joy. :icon_salut:

Dont you worry about that..im nevous of electrics...hahaha

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Check the wiring diagram first, but in situations like this Id run a cable straight from the sensor to the plug in the back of the clocks, just to quickly eliminate wiring.

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I dont have the stuff to do that or know the grade of wire i need...supposei could knock off early and go visit maplins..

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I dont have the stuff to do that or know the grade of wire i need...supposei could knock off early and go visit maplins..

Speaker/bell wire will do or standard flex from an appliance, it''ll be carrying next to fuck all in the way of current :)

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well, Ive checked everything over and I still cant get this blasted thing to work. whats the next step then, flame thrower?..

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Have you nay got a friend with a fireblade Billy?

try the clocks from his/her bike?

No mate..i dont have friends..going to go over it again cos ive obv missed something on the checklist..mate has one of those sillyscope things so i'll get him over if the 2nd go is a fail..

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how did that happen? Loose terminal and got spark eroded?

Im thinking that was the case Jase as what was left of the terminal was more brittle than melted, Ive also got my fingers crossed that the lose terminal was the culprit for my speedo not working, wont know for sure till I can source another battery ..I gave Col my spare one for his trike on monday night... :facepalm:

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I might have something in the garage Billy, but it might be a little big

Im not sure of the battery dimensions, will check it tomorrow..its a YTX9bs if your anywhere near google..

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I'll have a look tomorrow or Friday mate

I'll just get a new one ordered Jase, im planning a ride down to wales next month..

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