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Fork Seal Removal


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Never had to do a seal yet until recently.

Cap head bolt removed, dust seal and retaining clip removed

It will not drive out, am I missing something?


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Give it a good yarking; use the stanchion like a slide hammer.

The seal gets stuck to the ally slider.

If yer brave;very hot oil teemed over the seal can loosen the basturd.

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Here you go.


I had the same problem last year. Heat is the answer. I used a heat gun to heat up the outer fork leg by the seal, concentrated on one area. Heated it for about 30 seconds ish and the seal just prised straight out after i carefully tapped a screwdriver through it.

Note: I initially tired heating it, but wasn't heating it for long enough in a concentrated enough area so it didn't work.

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Have you removed the spring? If not then you need to remove the allen head bolt on the bottom of the fork leg.. Turn it upside down and have a look.You "Might" have to put the leg back together to add pressure to the spring to stop it just turning.Once that is out,, use a heat gun around the outer edge where the seal sits.. get it warm but not hot..

Then a nice slide hammer action and it will pop apart.

*Check bushes for wear on the teflon coating,clean the internal part of the fork bottoms as sludge will accumulate there.

Pic of allen head on bottom of fork leg. Yours will be covered.


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My forks looks similar.Like Budgetboy says,you have to remove the bottome screww holding the fork together.After that,just give it a few good hard yanks provided you have removed the circlip and the ring beneath that (it can get stuck,and bend).It'll come slightly loose then,and then it's just a matter of some yanks more before it comes clear.They may be stuck like an SOB,but it should get loose with a few hard yanks.Just remember to note the way and order of the metal rings when you dismantle it so you don't do like me,and reinstall it the wrong way round,and have to do it all over again ;)

Good luck.

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*Check bushes

While we're doing this subject then, how tough are new bushes to fit? I've done fork seals in the past, never had trouble getting them out because I'm a considerable amount more manly than Plob, but I've not done the bushes.

Also, what the fuck is it with quoting fluid levels without the spring? Surely, you have to drain the oil the get the ruddy spring in there?!

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Bushes just slide on, they are split so you open them up a bit with your fingers and onto the lubed up shaft they go.

Springs come out of the top and oil stays in the bottom of the forks.

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One of the problems with old forks is the bushes can jam one inside the other , if that happens semtex or a brace of chieftain tanks is the best answer , Loz , doing the fork oil levels is the most accurate way of doing it , you never get all the old oil out unless you totally strip them and its easy enough to do


this sort of thing is all you need

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Bushes just slide on, they are split so you open them up a bit with your fingers and onto the lubed up shaft they go.


Yours, Finbar Saunders.

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Cheers for the helpful comments folks! I have done all prep as needed, circlip out above the seal and bolt out of the base of the slider. Last weekend I tried a heat gun, but maybe not long enough.

It's always worth checking with you experts when you think you have it right but with no results (sort of trying to undo a bolt but not being aware it's a left hand thread, ask before you break it)

I'll try with renewed enthusiasm on Saturday, and may try disturbing them with a screwdriver or punch, if not I'll ask Loz to pop round and stare at them until the jump out :biggrinvk4:

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Be careful of screwdrivers as they can dent the aluminium.Just use a pair of herculean arms to pry them loose.I would recommend using red rubber grease when installing new ones,but others may have better solution to that.

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