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Help Needed Pw50 Running Issue

Manx Dave

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Right, long post so apologies before I start.

I'm after some advise with this PW50 that Santa brought for my 5 year old at xmas. He was told that once he could ride his pushbike without stabilizers he could ride the PW and now he can do that he is desperate to get out on his first motorbike.

Problem is, I can't get it running properly.

i was given the bike in November and it looked like this.


Several nights in the shed and I had it looking like this for Christmas morning


So it starts and ticks over ok when the switch is set to the start position but when i switch it to run it starts revving out, obviously it is an auto so the wheel is spinning too, I need to get it to idle properly and get a good throttle response so it's safe and easy for him to learn on.

So far I have fitted an airbox as there wasn't one on it.

Fitted a new carb (chinese ebay jobbie) as the slide was worn on the old one.

Fitted a new throttle cable (and discovered at this time that the old autolube had been disconnected).

No difference at all. i'm getting frustrated because it must be something simple, they are not exactly complicated bikes to work on :eusa_wall:

Any ideas that can help me?

Here's a bonus pic of the boy on Christmas morning


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Remove throttle that goes into carb and refit.. as VW said you probably snagged it.

Edit:- make sure the slanted bit faces the engine.



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