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Fork Stanchion Repair


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Anyone have any suggestions for a company to repair a damaged stanchion?

My WR450 Enduro bike had a weepy fork seal last summer. Upon changing the seals I found a small nick in the stanchion. Small, but rough/sharp to the touch.

It was a fair way down the fork's travel, so decided to run with it and hope new seals alone would solve the problem. It hasn't... Been a little bit of oil leakage since the new seals. Bike hasn't turned a wheel since Xmas, but putting the MTB back in the shed this afternoon I noticed fork oil pooling at the fork bottom.

I've yet to price up a new replacement stanchion, but i'm expecting it to be £££. Any suggestions?

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I used araldite on my road bike the other day, jb weld would be my choice of weapon

clean with brake cleaner, use a engineers scribe or sharp pionty metal stick to scratch/clean the dent/hole, clean again

400 grit emery paper to smooth off the sharp bits, clean, jb weld and leave overnight then finish wu=ith 400 grit again(p.s clean it)

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I think it's ABE All Bike Engineering that repair these? Or have a look for a good set of second hand forks, but I suppose as it's for an off road bike they are just as likely to be battered.

Don't forget to check the price from Yamaha first, sometimes the spares are cheaper than you expect.

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Steer clear of ABE, i have heard nothing but bad things about them.And if you do a search yourself you will see how bad the company is.

This is a pic from one story after 1 year of getting his forks back.


Dings or scratches i would use 500 grit personally.. But you can also use the temp repair trick as SSRay has stated.

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/\ That looks like salt damage and/or poor bike cleaning? The sliders look OK in the area swept by the fork seals. Look at the rad as well, I'd guess this bike hasn't seen a soapy sponge for a while. Can you elaborate on the damage BB?

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/\ That looks like salt damage and/or poor bike cleaning? The sliders look OK in the area swept by the fork seals. Look at the rad as well, I'd guess this bike hasn't seen a soapy sponge for a while. Can you elaborate on the damage BB?

If you look to the side of the black fork protector you can see another "pit". If you do your own research on ABE you will find more horror stories. BarryJ of this parish looked into them for his RG500 and decided to get new stanchions else where and for me to rebuild them.

I have read stories of oil levels not being correct as well,or different levels in each leg.

Heres one story.

It just looks like a poor job (if the pic is true),, and i have also heard that they will only give you a 3 month warranty on the chrome,so that does not give me hope.

But don't take my word for it do some research yourselves.

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If that's only a year old (and I've no idea if it is) then it shouldn't be like that no matter how little cleaning or care it's had. Just looks like poor quality chrome rather than hard chrome and ground to the correct spec.

I spoke to the owner directly to give him a chance to give his side of the many instances of poor feedback (very early rusting and pitting and out of dimensional specs causing leaks almost immediately) I'd read on various forums and he just got arsey with me.

New stantions, OEM bushes, and seals seemed like a much better long term solution.

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  • 2 months later...

I have used A M Philpot and had great service:-


Stanchions were straightened, ground back, hard chromed and centreless ground back to size. Better than new. £135 for a pair, so not cheap but in my case the tubes were NLA.

No connection other than a satisfied customer (who is about to send them a couple more stanchions from a TT500!).


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I've used Dynasurf in Sandbach for hard chroming a pair of Bros stanchions approx. 5 years ago, stanchions look like new to this day.

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