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Which Engine?


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Hey Ho Chaps.

I'm thinking of changing direction with the Mighty(ish) Bros project ( http://pbmagforum.co.uk/index.php?/topic/48736-the-mightyish-bros/?hl=mighty%28ish%29 ), and maybe turning it into the Mighty(ish) supermono.

If I was to go down this road what would be the best (read "tunable"), readily available, single cylinder engine to go for?

From the research* I've done I'm erring towards a late model LC4 690 KTM lump with the sprocket on the left hand side (aka the expensive option) or a yamaha XTZ 660 lump (aka the cheaper option).

Any others I should consider?

Ta muchly :icon_salut:

*half an hour on tinternet at work during my lunch break.

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Seriously, have you tried a 660 yam? It makes the bros engine seem cultured and powerful.

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Seriously, have you tried a 660 yam? It makes the bros engine seem cultured and powerful.

No never ridden one. What about the KTM lump?

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No never ridden one. What about the KTM lump?

I know it's only really 1 person, and not a reflection on the whole engine in every bike ever, but a mate of mine had a duke 2, con rod made a bid for freedom on the motorway. Felt a much perkier bike than the MZ he had at the same time with the yam 660 engine, or the XT660R of my mate which I occasionally ride.

To be honest, if it was me, i'd be looking at what can be done to the bros engine to pep it up, pistons, cams and a bit of head work is going to be easier to do, a similar cost and reap bigger rewards than putting a similar sized single in there. If you still want a single, get an SZR or an MZ skorpion and sell the bros.

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The XT Yam engine is for an off road trail bike its all about being predictably breaking traction at the back. True its used in the SRX but that's more about a style of bike.

The Bros is a nice bike as standard, sort the suspension, tweek the engine and your there.

You list a whole load of engines to dream about like 500 CR, nsr400, KTM 990, tlr1000 but they'll take years and end up abandoned projects 500cr / mito anybody ...

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Cheers for the info chaps. I think on balance I'll heed the sage advice and continue on with Bros lump.

Either that or buy a...........no..........must.......resist............urge............to...........buy.........another...........project :eusa_wall:

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The 690 engine is a belter, 75bhp no worries, not cheap, but better than a big single has any right to be. If you want a powerful big single, nothing else is worth considering.

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