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05 Zx6R High Start Up Revs


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Not so much a major issue but something thats pissing me off now.

When i start up the 6 from cold its perfectly fine, but whenever i fire it up when its warm the revs pick up to about 4krpm. Its as if you holding the throttle open when you hit the starter. It runs perfectly fine otherwise.

Throttle plays been checked, idle has been checked, new fuel been put in.

Any idea's? Going back to uni this weekend so wont have a chance to do as much as i have limited tools there.


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Its only a second. Best way to describe it is its just as if you have fired it up with the throttle slightly open, gone 'oh shit' and instantly shut it off.

Perhaps this is me being an idiot here, but i have checked the throttle position on my bazzaz and its showing the full throttle range. Surely if the TPS was playing up it would show incorrect readings?


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