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Quietening Noisy Silencer


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The silencers on my Tdm are a tad loud. Even with the most constrictive baffles known to man I struggled to get it through its last mot.
They are straight through, and look like this inside.


I haven't repacked a silencer before so have a couple of questions.
Do you pack the glass fibre stuff in firmly or loosely?
Is it a case of more is better?
Are there different grades of filling? I.e. quieter or noisier?

Cheers, Mike.

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You need to pack it less tight than stock so it allows the gases to be absorbed more. If you pack it too tight you are basically making a straight through can. i would also fit a db killer on cap.

Hope this helps.

Youtube has some videos about packing.

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I`ve used the cheap stuff a few times in the past in an RGV250 and its not lasted long. Left a trail of wadding behind bike, but It might have been packed too loose. As previously posted , too tight and doesn't reduce noise much, too loose and it breaks up.

Got some repacking to do myself soon, I`d go for the fuel stuff in a larger 4 stroke can, looks like the Accoustafil stuff might be a better bet in a small 2 stroke can.

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I`ve got a similar problem with a pair of Nikon cans I`ve got for my TL, 70mm straight through .

Give me headache and set car alarms off at tickover.

Eventually plan to get a new pair of Perforated tubes made that taper down a bit towards the outlet, but not sure by how much (thinking about down to 55 mm ?) or looked into who can roll them for me.

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Expensive packing will last a little longer. I always use glass packing as it comes in a thick roll and you can break it up and allow packing not to be to tight. With the rolls you get bypass and if it gets wet then heated it will pack hard in layers.

I normally roll a bit of stainless wool around the inner sleeve for gap :icon_salut:

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Ummmmm I repacked them 2yrs ago with the stuff off eghey.

They are loud but but not as loud as my Tuono. When I did the track days in it I think they were about the 100 mark + or -1.

Never thought they were that loud!

I rolled it round, the bore of the whole exhaust is bigger than standard to let more gas out so they always will be louder.

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You need a layer of stainless wire wool up against the perforated tube, then roll the wadding around it all, you need enough to fill the voids in the can. Then use stainless steel zip ties to hold it all together and feed it into the sleeve. The rivets have to be "sealed" type so they don't leak.

Wear proper gloves !!! The wire wool will cut your hands to shreads and the glass in the packing will get into you skin.

Or you could just send them to PJ Engineering who are surprisingly cheap

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PM me if you want some Acoustafil in either 450mm or 500mm lengths at cheaper-than-ebay prices :)


Free UK post and if you type 'stuff ebay' in at the checkout you get another 5% off.

Wrap it around the perforated tube like you'd roll a sheet of paper up quickly, ie not too tight, not too loose- the heat will melt the nylon threads and the packing will expand a little. There's no need to tie it in place either, just wrap the perforated tube, put it back in the sleeve and rivet it shut. Easy and also, indeed, peasy :)

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PM me if you want some Acoustafil in either 450mm or 500mm lengths at cheaper-than-ebay prices :)


Free UK post and if you type 'stuff ebay' in at the checkout you get another 5% off.

Wrap it around the perforated tube like you'd roll a sheet of paper up quickly, ie not too tight, not too loose- the heat will melt the nylon threads and the packing will expand a little. There's no need to tie it in place either, just wrap the perforated tube, put it back in the sleeve and rivet it shut. Easy and also, indeed, peasy :)

Would this in any way have lemon sqeezy on it ?
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Sounds perfect Kayla.

I have two silencers, will I need two packs?

Cheers, Mike


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