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Calling All Er6 Owners, Maybe Versys Ones Too


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Can anybody tell me where to find the wiring for the oxygen sensor on the exhaust please, specifically where it connects to the main loom, but also where it runs down to the exhaust from there.

I bought my ER6 a fair bit back and have been sorting it out bit by bit, but when I got it, it'd been crashed and amongst other things, the back half of the exhaust had gone, presumably ripped off by the crash and left in a hedge somewhere, and with it, the oxygen sensor. So, of course, now when I start the bike I'm getting an error with the oxygen sensor. No shit there's an error, it's in a different county to the rest of the bike! I can get a new one easily enough, or a bypass from dynojet, but I don't have the first idea of where the fuck to find the cable that it should plug into, and to see if the loom side of the plug's in decent enough nick for me to actually plug a new one in. Thanks in advance.

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Google was my friend. Now to see if the cheapo bypass thingys on ebay work!

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Dunno, I ordered it on Friday evening so it's still not here yet.

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if ya need anything else looking for then drop me pm and ill have a poke around the V

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Should've followed up on this, sorry.

In short, the plug off ebay was perhaps a bit of a rip off in that it is a couple of resistors sat in a plug and sealed in with some bathroom sealant, the whole thing might've cost £2.50 to make, but really it's not the end of the world for what it is and it fixed the issue with the warning light straight away.

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