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Sp1 Cutting Out/fuel Problem..


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So, I have had an intermittent fuelling fault, where the bike would drop power, FI light would come on for a second, then it would be fine. Also, it occasionally doesn't start. I managed to figure out that it seems to be the power commander, as when I move it about, it is able to start. On my way out(first run of the year and in 5 months) it gets to a roundabout and dies, locks up. I try and start it but the clocks keep resetting with every pulse sent by the starter, so I take off the seat cover, to try the 'move the PC to start it' and there is thin wispy smoke from somewhere around there, down onwards the battery(I have the PC in the tool cutout) and a not nice burning smell. I leave it for a few mins, move it about and it starts so I can limp it home. Ideas?

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