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V Fiend's Shed Build Thread - Man Cave / Workshop / Fortress


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That looks superb mate, looks like a job well done :)

Cheers dude,

The tricky bit was getting everything roughly level, especially with so much rubble in the soil.

I dug down for the decking (extra to sit it on pea shingle) and built everything else up,

so there is an inch and a half down from the patio onto the 'grass',

Then an inch up onto the decking,

perfect for rolling bikes around!

I just need to lift the grass again and put some more sand down and tamp it as it's still mildly lumpy in places,

Give it a trim round the edges and it's all gravy.

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The grass

I just need to Give it a trim round the edges and it's all gravy.

I thought you didn't have to cut fake grass unlike the normal stuff :biggrinvk4:

Looks great have you made a start fitting the inside out yet?

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I thought you didn't have to cut fake grass unlike the normal stuff :biggrinvk4:

Looks great have you made a start fitting the inside out yet?

It's still rolled up at the edges, so I need to trim it close with stan the knife and tuck it in like fitting carpet,

maybe I should fit some skirting board(!)

Inside the shed? Unfortunately not really yet, bit of a dumping ground for building materials mostly (and several immobile motorbikes...)

Need to build some racking to wrap around the parking area and get my unit cleared out a bit.

Then I need to build a new work bench too as the old one I built is the wrong size.

This will all have to be done after I've painted and felted it before winter...

I think I'll have to build the office in the old coal shed/outhouse before I can do the inside of the shed,

It's still bare to the rafters yet.

If only I could go part-time at work...

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good work mate, i'll put some pics of my shed build later

watch the cat he is about to do a huge shit on your fake grass..!!

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The decking must be evenly spaced, The decking must be evenly spaced, The decking must be evenly spaced, The decking must be evenly spaced, The decking must be evenly spaced, The decking must be evenly spaced, The decking must be evenly spaced, The decking must be evenly spaced, The decking must be evenly spaced, The decking must be evenly spaced, The decking must be evenly spaced, The decking must be evenly spaced, The decking must be evenly spaced, The decking must be evenly spaced, The decking must be evenly spaced, The decking must be evenly spaced, The decking must be evenly spaced, The decking must be evenly spaced, The decking must be evenly spaced, The decking must be evenly spaced, The decking must be evenly spaced, The decking must be evenly spaced, The decking must be evenly spaced, The decking must be evenly spaced, The decking must be evenly spaced, The decking must be evenly spaced, The decking must be evenly spaced, The decking must be evenly spaced!!!


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And one board is lighter than the rest.

Best start again.

Actually 3 boards are lighter, or rather; the rest are a bit mucky.

They will get a full clean and light sand before oil :D

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Is that going to be a sensible thing to put on wood, oil, in the wet, fucking lethal. You'd be better off with a selection of banana skins, wouldn't you?

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  • 1 month later...

Is that going to be a sensible thing to put on wood, oil, in the wet, fucking lethal. You'd be better off with a selection of banana skins, wouldn't you?

Penetrating (fnarr) oil, for treatment.

I've found some good, Matt finish grey stain now.

Unfortunately I've mostly been doing this:


Drinking and eating barbeque food.

So not much in the.way of new news to report,

Got a few days off this week though, so watch this.space...

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I also forgot to introduce my new friend,

I found him.in the garden,

Say hello to Jimmy:


I worship him because he has magical powers.

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I also forgot to introduce my new friend,

I found him.in the garden,

Say hello to Jimmy:


I worship him because he has magical powers.

He has a Scottish cousin


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Who fitted your windows? Are they coming back to finish them anytime soon? ;)

In answer to your questions:

I fitted that one, and the patio doors,

After a fair bit of cutting and brick work,

(i.e. Making holes in the coal shed where there wern't any previously).

I'll get round to it...

The trouble is, once something is 90% done, it's functional, therefore the next job needs doing...

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Been building shelves today,

I have no idea how I managed to fuckup shelves,

(well I do, I was trying to do it on the cheap and the first attempt was flimsy as fook).

So tomorrow will see me making some insanely robust shelves,

Bastard shelves.

(by shelves I mean racking for tools / spares etc).

I've also moved some bikes around and cone to the realisation that I can't have as much storage as I'd wanted too,

So this will be a space only big enough for 3 bikes* :(

*2 parked with room to lockup and get to things on shelves and 1 in the workshop area with enough space to get to work on it.

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Actually did some work on the fecker today:



I had planned a return for another 4 tiers, but it took too much room which would have both made the parking tight AND the workshop space unworkable.

Just enough room for 2 bikes:


The Ducati looks tiny next to the blade!

Teeny tiny du-rattly:


Slightly overly robust as a storage medium:


I tested it by lying on one of the shelves, felt a little like I was in a coffin.

Finally fitted some more hinges and another lock:


Need to drill and fit 60 coach bolts for the hinges and then cut 128 lengths of beading for the 16 windows.


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you giving yourself enough room there?, looks like your gonna be moving bikes every time your want into a shelf..

Not really much in the way of options I'm afraid, space is tight.

There will be more room for storage under the workbench (again, yet to be built) and a couple of rolling tool cabs over on the workshop side which should hold all the regularly used tools.

The plan is that between the rolling cabs and a few boxes under the bench, I should have everything to grab quick for a race meet.

The racking will at first house building shit from the house (bags of cement, plaster etc) and will eventually have stuff like gazebo, camping shit, household tools, parts hoarding etc.

It's getting there, finished by Christmas?

I fucking well hope so(!)

In reality though, actually yes!

Considering I started this build about a year ago...

Still needs electric, insulating, general fettling and making pretty,

It's a long road.


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^^It certainly does. Excellent work vfiend and I'm enjoying seeing your vision come together..

Having just been foiled again in an attempt to buy a house with a garage, I has a sad whilst my bikes still languish under covers outdoors. Hopefully not for too much longer.

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Not really much in the way of options I'm afraid, space is tight.

There will be more room for storage under the workbench (again, yet to be built) and a couple of rolling tool cabs over on the workshop side which should hold all the regularly used tools.

The plan is that between the rolling cabs and a few boxes under the bench, I should have everything to grab quick for a race meet.

The racking will at first house building shit from the house (bags of cement, plaster etc) and will eventually have stuff like gazebo, camping shit, household tools, parts hoarding etc.


Yeah, thats the worst part when space is restricted. ..you got some shelving space on that wall between the double doors though..Ive got another bike coming this weekend and its looking like I'll have to relocate the work bench in my shed so I can have a bit more room to get round both bikes..

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^^It certainly does. Excellent work vfiend and I'm enjoying seeing your vision come together..

Having just been foiled again in an attempt to buy a house with a garage, I has a sad whilst my bikes still languish under covers outdoors. Hopefully not for too much longer.

Well good luck in your shed quest, what you going for?

I was tight for space which made EVERYTHING really awkward to make as everything was a very specific, to the mm size meaning everything was a cut and lots of offcuts going to waste.

If I were to do it again without the space constraint, I'd plan it with as few cuts and wastage as possible, make things alot simpler and quicker.

I still maintain 'regular' sheds are a little flimsy,

the neighbour just erected (fnarr) this 6*8:


It is indeed somewhat made of twigs,

but it arrived at 07:30 and was built by lunch!

Cabin's are awesome but so much money for a pike of wood!

I've said it before and I'll say it again;

I think getting a local wood yard to make a kit is the perfect happy medium between strength, price and ease of assembly.

Yeah, thats the worst part when space is restricted. .

you got some shelving space on that wall between the double doors though..

Ive got another bike coming this weekend and its looking like I'll have to relocate the work bench in my shed so I can have a bit more room to get round both bikes..

I've been thinking of some shelving up the back of that wall section, be handy for small bits,

Maybe good for helmets.

The worst is not being able to get round bikes to use them - so shelf access is the compromise compared to wheeling them out easy, although I still have to grab them from the front.

I'm glad I can get a gap up the middle to lock both up and get them out without banging them together.

I need to buy / make something to hold the bikes upright which will give a few inches extra clearance,

Especially as the SS stand is a little lethal.

If they're upright I could potentially get a gap alongside the shelving, I'll just have to see what they're like when stood upright.

By upright I don't mean like this...


I just need to find something like a bumpstop, but cheap and for back wheels.

Or make something from wood to stop it tipping over which is more likely.


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Well good luck in your shed quest, what you going for?


It's still a house quest at the moment - we're not far from you and so far we've been gazumped and then ran into problems with asbestos when the last one we tried to buy was surveyed so we binned that one off. It's a pissing nightmare at the moment in the East Mids - we saw one appear on rightmove at the weekend and rang up on Monday morning trying to get in quick with a viewing - already sold!! :facepalm:

Basically I'm after something with a garage, or space to build a bespoke mancave that'll keep me happy for many years to come! Summat will turn up....crack on though lad and get them shelves in :thumbsup:

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Well good luck in your shed quest, what you going for?

I was tight for space which made EVERYTHING really awkward to make as everything was a very specific, to the mm size meaning everything was a cut and lots of offcuts going to waste.

If I were to do it again without the space constraint, I'd plan it with as few cuts and wastage as possible, make things alot simpler and quicker.

I still maintain 'regular' sheds are a little flimsy,

the neighbour just erected (fnarr) this 6*8:


It is indeed somewhat made of twigs,

but it arrived at 07:30 and was built by lunch!

Cabin's are awesome but so much money for a pike of wood!

I've said it before and I'll say it again;

I think getting a local wood yard to make a kit is the perfect happy medium between strength, price and ease of assembly.

I've been thinking of some shelving up the back of that wall section, be handy for small bits,

Maybe good for helmets.

The worst is not being able to get round bikes to use them - so shelf access is the compromise compared to wheeling them out easy, although I still have to grab them from the front.

I'm glad I can get a gap up the middle to lock both up and get them out without banging them together.

I need to buy / make something to hold the bikes upright which will give a few inches extra clearance,

Especially as the SS stand is a little lethal.

If they're upright I could potentially get a gap alongside the shelving, I'll just have to see what they're like when stood upright.

By upright I don't mean like this...


I just need to find something like a bumpstop, but cheap and for back wheels.

Or make something from wood to stop it tipping over which is more likely.


Leave it in gear?.

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It's still a house quest at the moment - we're not far from you and so far we've been gazumped and then ran into problems with asbestos when the last one we tried to buy was surveyed so we binned that one off. It's a pissing nightmare at the moment in the East Mids - we saw one appear on rightmove at the weekend and rang up on Monday morning trying to get in quick with a viewing - already sold!! :facepalm:

Basically I'm after something with a garage, or space to build a bespoke mancave that'll keep me happy for many years to come! Summat will turn up....crack on though lad and get them shelves in :thumbsup:

I keep a curious eye on the local market and there definitely isn't much about and when there is it's all so over priced.

I definitely want off-street parking at the next place but no so fussed about a garage,

But I like the idea of building a 'complex' at the back of the garden;

Essentially 2 buildings (parking & workshop / hangout) across the garden with a sheltered area inbetween with a pond or something just to hang around and chill.

So need to find something with a nice big garden.

Got to finish this house first though, otherwise there is no money!

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After a bit of advice,

What do folk weld on?

I don't especially want to go to the trouble of making an all metal bench to go alongside the wood bench I'll be making,

Would dropping a thick steel gauge plate on top of an oak or ply top be OK?

Would it spontaneously combust under the heat?

Any experience shared appreciated (especially if it involves tales of wo from welding...)

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Could you not make a bumpstop stand from the off cuts to suit the rear wheels of your bikes?

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After a bit of advice,

What do folk weld on?

I don't especially want to go to the trouble of making an all metal bench to go alongside the wood bench I'll be making,

Would dropping a thick steel gauge plate on top of an oak or ply top be OK?

Would it spontaneously combust under the heat?

Any experience shared appreciated (especially if it involves tales of wo from welding...)

If you were to put a steel plate on top of a work bench it could then be used as the earth contact, so as long as whatever your welding is touching the sheet, you'll be able to merrily weld to your hearts content!

Just weld a bolt in a place that won't get in the way then you can clamp your earth to that.

Job jobbed - as the saying goes.


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