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V Fiend's Shed Build Thread - Man Cave / Workshop / Fortress


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I like how its turned out quite a lot. Good work chap.

What is the total area and how much do you reckon its cost so far? We might move ina couple of years and if I cannot get a house with a garage, I'd like something like this.

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I like how its turned out quite a lot. Good work chap.

What is the total area and how much do you reckon its cost so far? We might move ina couple of years and if I cannot get a house with a garage, I'd like something like this.

Cheers fella!

The dimensions are 2.4 * 4.4m externally if I remember correctly, so 2.3 * 4.2m internally;

just big enough to fit bikes in along shortways, hence the double door sets so there are two accessible areas.

I purposefully haven't been counting the cost of the build...

but it should be under £2k by the time it's done (insulated, inside cladded etc),

You can get a similarly sized log cabin kit for around this price, but you need to add the base etc on top of that.

Bricks were free as I took them all out of the house myself,

Blocks wern't especially expensive, neither is mortor,

Base was about 250 (think I mentioned the specifics earlier)

Main frame wood was £300ish including the C16 rafters - would.have been cheaper with whitewood posts on show but red wood works and finishes a little nicer,

Another couple hundred for the roofing felts - again cheaper if you want to faff with trowel on,

Couple hundred for cladding, doors etc,

Stick another couple hundred on that for miscellaneous expenses,

Bingo bango.

I'd say it'll be about 200 man hours by the time it's done too - again it'd be considerably quicker to knock up a concrete sectional, conventional shed or cabin.

For example, my dad, bro and me took down, moved and rebuilt a double concrete sectional in a weekend - so it's very much an easier option.

The beauty of this shed, as I see it; is that it's bespoke to my requirements and fits the available space perfectly without looking an eyesore - which is priceless.


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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

When's the inaugurations party?Did I spell that right when into my 8th lager?

Inauguration party is Halloween, also the missus' birthday (not a great sign...).

Anyway, shed process has been slow as I've been.doing things like plumbing the kitchen etc,

But as far as the shed goes;

I have a fanciful notion, should I top the shed in a layer of artificial grass instead of grit felt?

(I'm artificial grass'ing the tiny lawn anyway, so while I'm at it...)



(although that's a living green roof)

I think it'd look novel, and I could sunbathe there in the summer...

On the practical side, it'll protect the roof's waterproofing layer and maybe even insulate some more,

my neighbours will laugh themselves silly...

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It'd rot the shed wouldn't it?

The roof is already waterproofed, the barrier should stop the structure rotting

and the rubber layer to the bottom of the fake grass is actually half decent at directing water

(did a test with a sample cut and the tap...)

I could see that I may get a bit of mouldyslime under the grass, although its reasonably sun/wind exposed,

but I could peal it back and clean it a couple of times a year if it ever starts to pong.

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Glad I opted for door windows, needs the light:


Starting to.look the part now:


The hanging will be a bit of a dogs dinner, but it's something I can potentially re-do when they one off for paint.

I like the look of this a lot, it reminds me of the "mews"( I think thats what they call them)stable block thing my mate Alan has at his place in Nottinghill..Im thinking that design would fit in anywhere..

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Get proper grass up there, then once a month, leave a sheep up there for a day to keep the levels down.

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Get proper grass up there, then once a month, leave a sheep up there for a day to keep the levels down.

By the time you start thinking of real grass, or even just sedum you're looking at a seriously robust structure,

Don't fancy that on my 3*2 rafter roof structure,

It's built to take itself, the cats, snow and me when I'm up there to cut back the ivy(!)

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I like the look of this a lot, it reminds me of the "mews"( I think thats what they call them)stable block thing my mate Alan has at his place in Nottinghill..Im thinking that design would fit in anywhere..

Cheers fella,

I spent many hours designing it, in such a tiny garden it was crucial it didn't look a bastard.

The balance is just right in my eyes, glad I made the doors in the end too.

I've already started designing the next, scaled up version with a garage wing in which to build a kit-car

and an area for some sofa's and a woodburner,

This will influence the purchase of the next house as it'll need a sizable plot to the rear :D

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  • 1 month later...

Shed is mostly being covered in mud at the moment:


The plus side is, it'll mean I can access both sides of the shed as the right was always blocked by the 'mountain'.

I've a load of decking stored in the shed,

Many meters of artificial grass arriving Wednesday,

and a ton of slate slabs arriving Thursday!

Finally taking shape,

Fun fun.

(if anyone wants some concrete slabs by the way, I have loads going spare!)


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A ton of slate slabs:


(the thicker ones were a little heavy and arrived 2 days late...)

Access to my shed is a little tight:


Sportsbikes only, wide bars on the Z are a little tricky, even my bro's zx7r is a tight fit.

Slowly getting there, but I've still got to lift all the slabs back up, pack them all level, make some cuts, seal them and mortor them in,


Easy peasy(!)


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Good skills, can you not engineer some sort of bike transport system fashioned from a Stenna stair lift to take them down the alley? :)

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You need to cut a bit out that downpipe...

Too easy. You need to make a small wiggle in the wall opposite the downpipe.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Garden is slowly coming together:


This may look very similar to a previous image,

but I actually took another half ton out of the lawn area infront of the shed to get it all level and ensure the doors clear the grass.

Not screwed the decking down yet, but this doesn't stop us hanging around on it and getting drunk :D


Just need to buy a massive awesome barbeque.

(and a smaller table and chair set)

Did alot of this yesterday:


Handily I've got 4 left over which will line the dining room fireplace nicely, ethankyouveymuch.

Slate is a bastard to cut and splinters and spits everywhere, looks nice though.


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Garden is slowly coming together:



Looking good mate :icon_salut: ,, and i see you have flowers growing already,, well done that man lol

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Is it an optical because of the roof angle or is your shed lying at an angle?.

I can't tell, I have one leg shorter than the other...

(it's the roof line)

Just did a bit of this:


I'll have to go round and seal then mortar at a later date, for now; a bit of sand will have to do.

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And now for lawn:


Nice fake grass that'll take bikes rolling across all the time :D

will be nice once you got a bit of colour in there, some motorbike lid hanging baskets perhaps?.

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will be nice once you got a bit of colour in there, some motorbike lid hanging baskets perhaps?.

I'll see if I can sell the idea to the missus...

I may be tempted to introduce some honeysuckle on the walls, grown up trellace from some wall boxes,

I wouldn't mind trimming them and the ivy over the shed once every couple of months,

Sod doing anything else though - I'd want a proper sized garden for that.

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