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Anyone Have Active Q/a Throttle Instructions? Odd Start Up Related.


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My ZX6 has started having a slight issue for about a month now, first fire up is always straight to 4000rpm then drops to tick over just fine.

Presumed that is was sticking throttle cables or the like to took the tank off and watched the throttle pulley move on start up and it does appear to rev itself to 4k. Now I'm running an active q/a throttle jobby with the cables but realised that the cable with the inbuilt adjuster is currently the cable that closes the throttle and i can't find the instructions to see if this is the right way round.

Anyone know if this is the right way or can think of any other reason why its doing it? It worked completely fine for 3 months or so with the QA before doing this and the everything else is perfect apart from startup.


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No idea about your QA throttle, or if it's related to your problem, but from memory, all the throttles I've ever had my hands on, the adjuster was on the opener cable.

Could be some sort of idle up valve thing coming into play as it's got a bit colder perhaps?

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don't know about Q/A throttles but I had a similar problem with the k6 thou.

on full left lock, which is used quite a bit when parking up, the throttle would stick a bit so when the bike was started it would rev.

I had a fiddle about with the cable play adjuster, there was too much slack in the cable, took some out, job jobbed been fine ever since

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Right, ripped the throttle cables out and made sure they are in proper this time and adjusted.

Still happening. I grabbed a quick video that shows it which ill add in a sec. Its just as if I'm opening up the throttle on startup. I honestly don't know where to look as it runs fine other wise but its getting on my nerves now. Idle is adjusted to 1300 odd as per the manual.

Any idea's?

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