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You need one with big enough lens that the picture won' t be too badly obscured by any sweetcorn kernels or shards of tomato skin.

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For the full humiliating experience, you will also need a Polish doctor with a warped sense of humour, two nurses, a table and a gown that opens at the rear.

Please don't ask me how I know this.

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I found the midazolam/fentanyl combination certainly hit the spot. Back to the original question, folks on the xrv forum were pleased with the results they were getting with a Chinese one from eBay that cost about £7.

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For the full humiliating experience, you will also need a Polish doctor with a warped sense of humour, two nurses, a table and a gown that opens at the rear.

Please don't ask me how I know this.

I don't need to.... :blink:

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I have been fingered by two men. The first one inflated my bowels to about 200 psi. I spent the next 40 minutes doing one continuous fart with a nurse knocking on the toilet door asking me if I was alright. She knew I wasn't, the noises let her know that.

I am still convinced I was part of a bet by the medical team to see how much compressed air the human bowel can take before rupturing. Luckily for me the next time I was fingered proved to be a much more dignified experience, which only convinced me that the first lot were piss taking bastards.

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I have been fingered by two men. The first one inflated my bowels to about 200 psi. I spent the next 40 minutes doing one continuous fart with a nurse knocking on the toilet door asking me if I was alright. She knew I wasn't, the noises let her know that.

That's what you get for going on a cheap holiday to Thailand.

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