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I've Got A Couple Questions...


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Firstly, I'm after the name or even the supplier of (please excuse my scrappy description) the chain holder you would see on endurance racing bikes. It sits on the upper rear section of the swing arm, bolts to it and has multiple jagged teeth that sit in between the chain links to hold it whilst the mechanic or pit crew is changing tyres, sprocket, etc. I've searched for this under multiple names, with no result.

My other question relates to the cooling system. From what I've read most bikes come with a ntc thermistor for a temperature sensor. I'm curious as to why they would use this as opposed to a thermocouple? aging of the thermo? temperature constraints? voltage to small or irregularities?

Apologies in advance for the fiddly questions (and the many more to most probably follow).

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NTC ( Negative Temperature Coefficient ) thermistor is an easier/cheaper way of measuring temperature, thermocouple may be cheap but requires a more sophisticated amplifier with cold junction compensation to measure temperature. Measuring the change in resistance of the thermistor is easier.

With recent advances in chip manufacturing this answer may well now be B******s, its 23 years since I was an Instrument/electronics technician.

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