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Two Stroke Engine Awakening From Hibernation


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My YZ 125 engine has slept in various locations for the last three years or so. I am, over the next while, trying to get a move on with rebuilding the bike back up. What should I do with the engine? I need to do the clutch but should I do the top end as a precaution? What else should I do? Check the bottom end? If so how?

I await wisdom.

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Personally I'd strip and inspect the whole engine, even get the crank stripped and checked as even the smallest amount of moisture that got inside an open port could cause pitting and corosion on the main bearings/big end.

Measure the bore for wear and check the ring end gaps. that'll point you in the direction of whether a light hone and a new set of rings is enough or whether its a rebore/replate and new piston kit.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Personally I'd strip and inspect the whole engine, even get the crank stripped and checked as even the smallest amount of moisture that got inside an open port could cause pitting and corosion on the main bearings/big end.

Measure the bore for wear and check the ring end gaps. that'll point you in the direction of whether a light hone and a new set of rings is enough or whether its a rebore/replate and new piston kit.

This sounds like excellent advice.

Being an idiot, and if I knew it was running ok last time I`d run it, I`d probably just take out the plug, put a teaspoon of two stroke oil down the plug hole and kick it over a few times, drain the old fuel including carb bowl, fill with fresh fuel and try and start it.

I`d then warm it up gently listening for any odd noises.

At that point, if it was mine it would probably seize solid, chuck a rod through the cases, and leave me wishing I`d followed Tom Macs advice.

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It all depends on what condition the engine was when you put it to sleep. If it was a good runner, I wouldn't strip it down. Service carb, fresh fuel, check spark plug, fire it up.

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