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Anodising A Master Cylinder?


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I have a nissin rear master cylinder (cast not billet) that I wouldn't mind changing from the current plain aluminium to black.

Could I get it anodised black? Would it mess with the cylinder bore? Would it come out ok being cast aluminium?

What do you reckon?

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The anodizer should be able to mask the bore. It will probably come out a dirty sooty black though.

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It'll likely come out like most standard black rear master cylinders as Dunc says, matt black and probably a bit patchy.

The same result as if you masked it and spray painted it matt or satin yourself. Not shit that's been sat in mind.

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Honestly, spray it, it'll come out fine. I've done stacks satin black after primer and they're factory. Not Birds Eye factory, factory factory.

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Honestly, spray it, it'll come out fine. I've done stacks satin black after primer and they're factory. Not Birds Eye factory, factory factory.

This is of course coming from a man that has a bike covered in fur :icon_bounce:

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