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Mothballing A Bike


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change to fresh oil,wd-40 calipers and rust parts.oil up chain proper(can't over-oil that).When taking it out,change oil again,and would recommend changing brake fluid and water coolant.

Put a tarp over it also ;)

Edit:If you can get someone to turn over the engine once in a while,that would certainly help.Battery should be maintained.If not by persons,then get a smart charger and pray it'll work during that time.Or just buy a new battery when it's time to take the bike out again.

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Also, fill the tank, put a plastic bag across the filler hole and close the cap. Put a bag over the exhaust bike and hold it on with an elastic band. Block up the air intake. This will seal the engine from the outside, transient, environment. Jack the front wheel off the ground. Breathable cover if indoors, plastic can promote condensation.

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For a couple of years I would empty the tank then put some engine oil / petrol mix in and tumble it in your hands so it coats the inside. Take the carbs / injectors off, drain them, clean them out and replace.

clean the chain, lube it and slacken the back wheel right off so the chain isn't under any tension.

Clean the brake calipers and change the fluid

Raise the bike so the wieght is off the suspension

Spray it with ACF50

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