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Battery Question


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I charged the battery for the TT600 and fitted it to to the bike to give it a run as it was last used in August.

The battery was showing 13.5 volts immediately after charging and this settled down to around 12.8

after an hour or so off the charger.

When fitted to the bike the battery struggled to turn the bike over. Now the bike's been stood for nearly 5 months and it's quite cold so I was not expecting it to fire up on the button.

It did eventually start and ran fine as usual. Once the temp had risen the revs dropped down to the normal tick over. I stopped the bike and it wouldn't restart. Again, the battery was struggling to turn the engine over quickly enough.

I took the battery indoors and charged it up over night. It is again showing 12.8 volts.

Can a battery appear to be OK but fail when a load is put on it?

I expect I'll need to buy a new one and see if that works better.

Thanks in anticipation, Kermit.

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Yep,unfortunately they can. Voltage is not a reliable indicator of battery health. An optimate may revive it but don't hold your breath. If you regularly leave your bike for months at a time an optimate is a must or you will be your local battery emporiums best customer.

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12,8v is 100% charged so nout to worry about on that part. :biggrinvk4:

Check and see if your alternator is actually charging the bikes battery 1st. A multimeter..Red on red black on black and take reading (VOLTS)

Start bike and take anther reading,, you want 13v or more. But not more than 15v

(Turn bike off)Then check the cable from the battery to the starter and see if you have a high resistance,If you dont know how to do it then heres how.

Get a multimeter& set it to VOLTS. measure the volts at your battery (say 12 volt) Now stick the red lead (MM) on the red end on the starter motor and the black lead (MM) to a good earth. The volts will be displayed.If this is NOT the same as the 1st test you have a bad cable,so for example if it reads 9 volt you have a bad cable.

There are other things you can do but do those 1st.

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To clarify, 12.8v means the battery is as fully charged as that battery will charge.

It doesn't mean it is any good.

Batteries are measured in CCA (cold cranking Amps- how much umph it puts out) and A/hr (how long it can put that umph out). It is the amps that are important, not volts.

While budgetboy is right about the other checks you can do the basic starting point is a strong battery. Which you haven't got. If it is showing 12.8v but won't start the bike then chances are it is knackered. A good basic test is to measure the battery health is to measure the voltage at the battery while you are cranking the bike. If it drops below 9v then the battery is suspect.

Send me a p.m. If you want more detailed checks. Hope this helps,


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Thanks guys,

I'll put the battery back on the bike and see what the voltage is as I try to start it.

Back soon, well, as soon as I can, no power in the garage so it'll have to wait a day

or two until I can sneak home in the daylight hours.


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To clarify, 12.8v means the battery is as fully charged as that battery will charge.

It doesn't mean it is any good.

Batteries are measured in CCA (cold cranking Amps- how much umph it puts out) and A/hr (how long it can put that umph out). It is the amps that are important, not volts.

While budgetboy is right about the other checks you can do the basic starting point is a strong battery. Which you haven't got. If it is showing 12.8v but won't start the bike then chances are it is knackered. A good basic test is to measure the battery health is to measure the voltage at the battery while you are cranking the bike. If it drops below 9v then the battery is suspect.

Send me a p.m. If you want more detailed checks. Hope this helps,


Yeah sorry i missed the drop test on the battery. Brain fart moment. :facepalm:

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I did the drop test. Aoart from needing three hands, one to press the starter, one to hold the clutch in and one for the probes for the meter, it was disappointing to see the voltage drop to 6.8v when I tried to start the bike.

New battery time methinks....

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New battery fitted this morning and all is well. Instant starting and 13.5 volts going into the battery.

All we need now is good weather and a Brands hatch trackday booking.

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