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Ultrasonic Carb Cleaning

Brenin Beener

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Hi All,

I have an elderly neglected ZXR750 J which has been neglected in the recent past. Im trying to bring her back to her former glory. Im an attempt to help this, I have bought a 2l ultrasonic cleaner. Its my plan to clean the carbs, but it now strikes me that I don't really know what im doing.....

I have the carbs off in a bank of four. How do I accomplish the clean? Do I have to undo the top bolt that seems to run by the choke actuation slide? The bottoms of the carbs are held on a rail. Im assuming if I undo both these fastenings, then the carbs will slide/pull apart, pulling off the fuel 'T' and the butterfly linkage. Is there any reason why I cant or shouldn't do this?

once the carbs are in an individual unit, how far should I disassemble them for cleaning? Is it tops off and diagphragms out? Emulsion tube and mains out? How far do I go?

Any advice would be gratefully received!


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I only have a little ultrasonic but what I do is clean one carb at a time. Use a big sheet of clean white paper to disassemble them, that way you can find anything you drop. It's best to take them apart as much as you're comfortable with, tops off diaphrams out, float bowls off floats, jets etc out - Take pictures of the jets in before you take them out that way you'll assemble them right. Take the idle screws out and write down how many turns it takes (you might count them in half turns because it's a flat screwdriver, or put some tipex on one side of the blade). If the float valves are gummed in just put the lot in and the ultrasonic will do the rest.

It's quite a nice job to do once you get into it.

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Marlins do the cleaner as well or just use some washing up liquid though make sure you wash them after cleaning to remove any residual cleaner.

That was meant to be Maplins lol

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washing up liquid contains shit loads of salt, so if you do use it, make double sure you clean it out afterwards, it'll fuck things up in very short order.

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1.) DO NOT mix carb parts up,do 1 carb at a time (Jets,pilots,a/f,needles,needle jets,diaphragms)

2.) Some bikes will have different jets in the middle banks or for each carb (see no 1)

3.) Heat the water before you put carbs in (Mines heated as standard (up to 80 deg),but your little one will struggle to deep clean the tiny passageways so the heat will help you)

4.) DON'T use w/up liquid,vinegar,lemon juice as these will ruin the look and possibly workings of your carb.Get the proper stuff.

5.) As soon as each carb comes out blast them thoroughly with air. I use 9bar air when i do mine just to be sure the air/fuel ways are 100% clean.

6.) Once each carb is dry re-assemble then.Set the carbs to the right settings (i can advise if you like),

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Hi All,

thanks for the replies. I have ordered some carb cleaning solution for the cleaner, so I will keep you all posted!

Any further advice gratefully received :-)


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