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Oil Change


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Hi I wondered seeing my old oil which I had to put partially back in due to a misshap putting on the oilfilter incorrectly just before putting it away for the winter being very dirty,if I should do a double oilchange.Is it worth doing it,or is it just anal?Planned on buying the cheap motorcycle oil and run it through,then change oil and filter afterwards (Ofcourse putting in the filter correctly this time around).Would it be recommendable to run it on the road for a few minutes,or are just idling for a few minutes enough?

Maybe it's a waste of money,but think I'm gonna do it for peace of mind.The run-through oil is pretty cheap and will be no skin off my teeth.Any arguments against doing it besides pecuniary?

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Well i'm sure it won't harm anything, but it may be being a bit on the anal side. Personally I wouldn't bother but if you don't mind splashing the cash it isn't going to hurt anything.

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If you're worried just change the oil at shorter intervals

Not really worried,but was just throwing out the idea here.It may sound stupid,but you know the saying:If it's stupid and it works,it's not stupid.

Thanks for input though :)

Edit:Love your signature.

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Just out of interest why would you use two different oils?

I can see your point about running some oil through to flush the sump kinda thang, but in reality I doubt you pull anything worth while out, if your not confident in using said cheap oil all the time then why use it atall?,, if it's no good at its job then simply starting the engine with it would be detrimental to the engine

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My reasoning would be that the sludge which doesn't completely drain out when emptying the oil (there always is however minute) will be mixed in,and removed by the cheap oil.Reason for using cheap oil is excactly that:It's cheap.Still apo certified so will be good to run.

Maybe you're right that it won't pulling anything worthwhile out and would just be a waste of time and money.But think the idea is fixed in my anal-retentive mind now,so will do it anyway I think.Like I said,confident of using the oil,just wanted to hear some opinions on the subject.

Thanks for reply though.Always good to hear different views on a subject :)

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