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Tyre Won't Seat - Helppp!


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As per title, just taken off the old tyre and put on a new one, but the bugger won't seat.

I've used both a track pump and a foot pump, I gather that the only thing that will do it is an airline, or is there some kind of trick to get the bastard thing to behave so I can carry on?

Ta in advance


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Have you fitted smaller tires than recommended for the rim?Someone helped me put on a pair of tires earlier this year,and all he did was use a regular airfiller you find at gasstations.Maybe use some lube at the edge of the tire where it meets the rim...

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Don't have a ratchet strap, damn it, nor a CO2 cartridge.

Right, an airline, thought as much. I'll get the missus to take me round to the petrol station in a bit.

They're the correct tyres FF, just the incorrect fitter :D

Cheers folks

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Don't have a ratchet strap, damn it, nor a CO2 cartridge.

Right, an airline, thought as much. I'll get the missus to take me round to the petrol station in a bit.

They're the correct tyres FF, just the incorrect fitter :D

Cheers folks

Before you put the airline on, put a bit of tyre soap/lube around the inside of the wheel. I find it helps the tyre just slide over the last bit of the rim to ping into place.

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And put the airline into flat tyre mode if it's one of them automatical thingies - and set to 70/80psi

I've only ever had to do one that way - a BT021

All others have been done with a footpump or 12v compressor.Can be useful to get a little air in and bounce the tyre around a bit to help.

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sounds like you aint put enough tyre soap on the beads when fitting.. when using a foot pump of sorts, then its air and bounce air and bounce to seat the bead..

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I use "a tyre fitter" who does them for £10 a wheel and has all the kit needed to do it properly.

HTH :)

Where is the fun in that? ;)

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Well, that was far less fun than it should have been.

Soaping, bouncing, tickling farting, you name it, I did it and it didn't...

A quick phone call to the wife and she whipped the wheels round to the nearest fitters, et voila.

All that fucking around just to save a couple of quid. Life's too short and so am I.


Anyone want to buy a tyre removal and balancing set, includes levers, tyre soap, etc etc cos at the moment I'm fucked if I'm going through that rigmarole anytime soon.

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¿Cuanto es?

Dunno, but it's all assembled, ready to go. Whereabouts 'Oop North' are you BTW? PM me if you don't want to broadcast it.

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Well, that was far less fun than it should have been.

Soaping, bouncing, tickling farting, you name it, I did it and it didn't...

A quick phone call to the wife and she whipped the wheels round to the nearest fitters, et voila.

All that fucking around just to save a couple of quid. Life's too short and so am I.


Anyone want to buy a tyre removal and balancing set, includes levers, tyre soap, etc etc cos at the moment I'm fucked if I'm going through that rigmarole anytime soon.

Thats the spirit, give up at the 1st hurdle .... :icon_salut:

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Thats the spirit, give up at the 1st hurdle .... :icon_salut:

Given the choice between doing something you don't like and not having to do something you don't like, which option would you choose?

If this was the middle of summer, with long warm evenings and not Winter with failing light and snot dripping from my nose, I may have a different view of todays debacle. But wrestling two tyres onto wheels wasn't my idea of fun nor the best use of my day. Fuck that for a game of soldiers.

I'm in Leeds, but spend most of my time in Bonny Scotland for work. Is it Abba kit, or something else? As long as it's decent I'm interested...

Oh, I'm sorry, I had no idea you were on the wrong side of the Pennines..

It's decent kit, but let me sleep on it (not literally).

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as one of the above posts fill it with something flammable and spark it up

be warned sometimes it doesnt work and just burns if you get it wrong

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Given the choice between doing something you don't like and not having to do something you don't like, which option would you choose?

If this was the middle of summer, with long warm evenings and not Winter with failing light and snot dripping from my nose, I may have a different view of todays debacle. But wrestling two tyres onto wheels wasn't my idea of fun nor the best use of my day. Fuck that for a game of soldiers.

Oh, I'm sorry, I had no idea you were on the wrong side of the Pennines..

It's decent kit, but let me sleep on it (not literally).

It does get easier with practise, also the colder weather makes the tyre rubber harder, so its not so easy to mount cold tyres..rack the heating up in your shed the day before you plan to fit tyres during winter time..

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<snip> rack the heating up in your shed the day before you plan to fit tyres during winter time..

Heating... ?


A garage that doesn't leak like a seive is next on the cards, it will have heating, it will have lighting, oh yes, it will be mine.

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Heds, if PiP doesn't want the kit, let me know what it entails, I'm interested too.

It could live next to the compressor in my nice warm garage...

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Bastard vultures the lot of yous, with your heated garages with lights and electrickery...

*downs another swig of whisky*

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Swapping 1 tyre once or twice a year is not worth the hassle and if you have ever put one wrong way round that must count for a large number of calls to Samaritans. Leave it to the pros or get a meat tenderiser and smash your cock with it to get the same satisfaction as fitting your own rubber

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Being able to swap tyres at home is so much nicer than having to drag them down to a garage and wait around for them to be fitted by a monkey.

The first time is always a struggle, when you get a bit more practice it becomes a five minute job that gives you a warm sense of satisfaction.

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Being able to swap tyres at home is so much nicer than having to drag them down to a garage and wait around for them to be fitted by a monkey.

The first time is always a struggle, when you get a bit more practice it becomes a five minute job that gives you a warm sense of satisfaction.


I think it took me 4 hours the first time I did it. Now I can change a set in about 45 minutes from getting the wheels out to putting them back in.

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I think it took me 4 hours the first time I did it. Now I can change a set in about 45 minutes from getting the wheels out to putting them back in.

Thats pretty good going, i struggle badly refitting the wheels. Lack of space in the Blades cage i put it down to ...

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