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Cam Chain Tensioner?


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after a bit of advice please

I started up the mighty k6 the other day, the first time in almost 3 months :-(

as usual, I gave it a few turns on the starter before I let it fire up, to get some oil up to the top end.

as soon as it started running there was a noticeable rattling noise from the RHS

the engine's always been a bit noisy - much noisier than the R1 ever was - but I hadn't heard this before

So I stopped it, re-started it, noise still there. engine running normally apart from the noise and after a minute or two the noise seemed to disappear.

ran the engine up to temperature until the fan came in, all seems to be fine.

started it again this morning and the same thing. bit of noise - the same noise - to start with, which then disappeared after a few minutes

CCT issue?

Ps valves were checked last winter, all within tolerance.

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My Street Triple does that. Sounds like someone's shaking a rattle-can in the cam-chain tensioner on starting if it's been stood for a while but it soon buggers off as soon as the engine's warming and the oil pressure's up. I wouldn't worry about it.

A sump yesterday


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Does the frequency of the rattle increase with engine revs?

can't remember TBH.

I've taken the battery out of the bike temporarily and popped it onto the optimate to make sure it's fully charged, I'll hopefully be changing the oil over the weekend or next week so I'll have another listen then.

from what I can tell the CCT is oil-fed - though I'm not sure if it operates on oil pressure or if that's just for lubrication - but perhaps it's just because the bike's been stood for quite a while without being started

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My GSXR750 does the same. It stops after about 2 mins. Its not bothered me and I'm guessing its a loss of pressure in the oil fed CCT.

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If it's the CCT, usually it'll be a bit rattley as you rev it or it ticks over, then much more rattley on the over run.

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What did you do - swap it for a new one, or a manual one - or leave it?

(and were any nuns or kittens injured)

In the end up i fitted a manual one. I did manage to free the original cct by placing a block of wood on it and giving a few taps with an ammer...but it didnt stop freed for long...

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some looking on the interwebs indicates the CCT is not an uncommon problem

still rattling on start up, it's noisy for maybe 30secs - 1 min and then it quietens down.

changed the oil - it was due anyway - made no difference.

tried gently slackening off the mounting bolts until the tensioner clicked out one click - made no difference

(some say the rattle is where the chain is loose just before the tensioner is about to go to the next click, and that by manually doing that it cures it. It didn't)

so I took the tensioner out. Quite nice on the k6, it's a piece of piss to get to, didn't have to move the airbox or throttle bodies

can't see anything wrong with it, all seems to be working fine.

It seems to be spring activated, on a toothed ratchet which allows it to extend but stops it from backing off. Rather than working off oil pressure, though there is an oil feed to it but this looks to be for lubrication rather than activation. there's a little oil jet which feeds it, took that out to check it's clear, put it back in.

put it back in, still noisy on start up. Hmmmm

I think I have a brand new aftermarket one (manual) for a K6 in my office drawer, I will confirm on Monday

you have PM, sir

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My 2012 ZX10 is a bit rattly, pretty much all of the time. I asked at the last service about the CCT and was told that the rattle "was within limits".

Kwaks - they all do that sir....

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My SRAD, was doing that, change chain and bought new cct after that had calm for a while.

With new parts after few months, same thing. Friend of mine in cbr just put manual one.

Few ways, choose Yours weasley Kar Lee... o I mean Monkey :)

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It was a Cam chain tensioner that killed my SRAD.

I'd stopped in a layby to take out my ear plugs so I could listen to the Cam rattle while on the road. Followed a car out of the layby which a little further down the road moved over to the left doing about 50mph. I thought he was letting me past but as I overtook he slammed his breaks on and turned right without signalling. I went straight into the side of him.

Turned out he looking at his Sat Nav.

Left me with a broken pinky and a written off GSXR 600. Fucking Cam tensioner.

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If I hear and odd noise from mine I generally worry for a few seconds, lose concentration then forget about it. I feel this course of action is about right remembering the mags 100,000 mile K5.

Feel free to laugh at me when my engine explodes on my next track day.

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If you can hear rattles, check over your shoulder for zombie Jimmy Saville


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I've got a bit of camchain rattle on the blade, I'll either by round to doing it it'll eventually blow up...

To describe the sound it's:

Vaaaarumphhhhbh daggerdaggerdaggerdagger vrummmmmm

:D :D :D

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I don't have no cam chain rattle... just the lovely whizzy sounds of precision cam gears meshing and working perfectly.

Got to love my little V4

(the T'ace is smooth right now too, so fingers crossed)

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