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When To Change Oil?


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I plan to change the oil on both of my bikes but wondered if it is better to do this when I take them off the road for winter or wait until next year? Or doesn't it really make any difference.

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Given a choice of leaving new or old oil in an engine, I'd go for new, but in reality I doubt it matters if the oil is within it's life span

it always surprises me that something that has been there for millions of years underground now has a life span once we get our mitts on it.. ..

Personally I wouldnt do an oil change if parking them up for the winter, nice fresh oil for next years bike riding..

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I guess there's no certifiable right or wrong answer to this, but if you don't know the history of the oil that's in there at the moment, or if it's cheapo oil, I'd swap it earlier. The reason being is that cheap oil tends to contain a lot more bitumen than decent stuff, and this will separate off over time if it's just left, and bitumen isn't going to do any good for anything in your engine. Of course, if you were to run the bike up to full temperature once a fortnight and spin the tyres etc, this wouldn't be an issue. God forbid, you could even ride it?!

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Leave it in, then drain and put some fresh oil in before you ride it next year. Eliminates any issue with running on oil that's been sat in the bike of months, if there is any.

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God forbid, you could even ride it?!

I never thought of that.

I've done tens of thousands of miles all year round in the past. I am now in the position where I don't have to ride in the cold wet and shitty weather. So forgive me I'll choose not to if that's ok with you?

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I wasn't having a dig about the year round riding mate, I commute through winter and if I didn't have to, I wouldn't. That said, once every now and again for 30 minutes when it's not totally shit might not be such a bad thing.

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I always change the oil before the bike goes away for the winter. Fresh clean engine oil sitting in the bike for months doesn't do it any harm.

But old, contaminated oil sitting in it for months isn't good for it.

The engine oil absorbs a lot of waste and by-products from the combustion process; leaving those in contact with engine internals (eg bearing shell surfaces) can cause damage

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it always surprises me that something that has been there for millions of years underground now has a life span once we get our mitts on it.. ..

Personally I wouldnt do an oil change if parking them up for the winter, nice fresh oil for next years bike riding..

it sits underground as crude oil though and it doesn't get run through a bike gearbox. As I said I doubt there's much in it
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I always change the oil before the bike goes away for the winter. Fresh clean engine oil sitting in the bike for months doesn't do it any harm.

But old, contaminated oil sitting in it for months isn't good for it.

The engine oil absorbs a lot of waste and by-products from the combustion process; leaving those in contact with engine internals (eg bearing shell surfaces) can cause damage

This is the biggest risk. Theoretically fresh oil is better, you can even oils designed specifically for vehicles that are being stored.

Not an issue either way in reality.

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I just pop out to the shed once a month and start the bike till its up to temp.. Serves a purpose.

Fuel through carbs/Injectors

Coolant gets moved about

Engine oil gets moved about

The warm engine will disperse condensation

Keeps battery in check

Then in the new year/season just change the oil, coolant to "Summer" coolant, lube things and clean bike,check tyres/brakes and you are good to go. :icon_salut:

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  • 2 weeks later...

From the motorex website

The first question that comes to mind when storing your bike for winter is ages old: change the oil now or wait until after the winter? MOTOREX recommends to always change the lubricant and filter prior to storing the motorcycle. This is because the used oil contains substances like acids, water and pollutants that can lead to corrosion inside the engine. Those who do not ride a lot can now carry out the yearly oil change, and those who do ride a lot and therefore need to change their oil several times per year can plan their oil changes ahead in good time.

Winter bike storage guide here http://www.motorex.com/index.cfm?oid=1993&lang=en

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Buy cheapo oil and put new in when storing the bike,and put in quality oil when taking it out.

Or just put in quality oil all round if you're flushed with cash :P

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I change my oil in the summer so I don´t have this problem

If you ride all year round then it isn't a problem, no, but if it's sat for 4 months or so over winter, then the fact that you changed it over summer still doesn't answer the question of what should you do with oil in your bike over winter.

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