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What Would You Do With This?


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I've just stuck a 5eb head on a 5sl bottom end and put it in a 5eb frame. Now the mounts at the front line up apart from one that isn't on the 5sl bottom. The lower rear also goes ok, it's just the rear upper that I've got trouble with



Question is what would you do with it, cut frame and add brackets or try it as is? I'm not sure if cutting it all to add some dinky brackets would make a lot of difference to strength or rigidity?

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You'll easily get a cable tie through there ;)

Bodgery at PBF's finest! - PS Make sure its not one of them cheap ones!

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Oval the holes that almost line up, looks to be enough metal to not loose too much strength. Open the holes on the other mounts too and you'll probably get just enough movement to get bolts through all the mounts. Job jobbed.

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What happens when you release the front mounts and cock the engine back? do they line up then?

Ive heard the front mounts need attention on this but not the rear.

Another thing, the 5EB kit manual is quite specific about how to fit the engine to make sure proper handling is retained which suggests that this could cause handling issues if not appropriately dealt with.

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Best I replied, been on the car due to mot failure, poxy thing.

Anyway, when you chock the motor back with the front mounts released, the hole gets nearer but not near enough. It also starts to get far too close to the swingarm. I'm not too keen on adjusting the front mounts as they all line up perfectly, and the airbox fits where it should, airtubes etc all go together perfectly. Also i dont think ovaling the holes will do a lot for me either, the rhs has a threaded collar which is quite thin. Awkward one this really.

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Plug needs to be top hat type.

This is actually the way forward with this, and as I can't see me ever doing it I have actually chucked it on ebay. If anyones interested, gis a pm and I'm sure a pb'er wont get a cheaper r6 to play with :icon_salut:
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