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Charging System


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After replacing the plug to the reg/rec the other day I thought I'd better make sure the bike was charging ok.

Idle - 14v

5krpm - 18v

5k+ - over 20v!

I've fitted a new reg/rec which has solved the problem, but I wanted to make sure I catch the cause if there was one.

The manual says stator resistance should be 0.2 to 0.3 Ohms between terminals, but my cheap multimeter finds that in it's cables alone, and there is no change when testing the plug.

I can take the bike into work tomorrow and check it with a better multimeter, but if the charging is now within spec can I assume everything is probably ok?

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I would say that if you measure the volt to be around 14.5 at 3000 and above,I would take it around the block.

Maybe it wasn't the plug that was the problem.Sounds to me the regulator got fried at some point.

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Regulators do fail; if it's charging ok now, and the battery is in good condition, you're probably sorted. I'd also double check earthing points for corrosion etc.

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Current situation - bike starts, pops and bangs, then dies


1 - Replaced reg/rec connectors on loom as one wire was a bit frayed

2 - Checked charging, up to 20v. Bike still running fine

3 - Replaced reg/rec, checked charging, up to 14.5v. Bike ran fine.

4 - Tried Ignitech CDI that hadn't been working. Bike ran fine, road it around the block.

5 - Loaded latest ignition map on (used previously), tried to start the bike the next morning, popped and banged so took the Aprilia into work

6 -That evening loaded stock map, bike not running right

7- Checked wiring connections, one of the spades in the alternator plug was half out. Refitted properly, bike still running like crap

8 - Checked other wiring connections, on bullet connector a bit tired so replaced

9 - Tried both CDIs, neither improved the situation.

Points 5-9 were also accompanied by a slight burning smell, I think it is electrical but could have been partially burnt petrol igniting in the exhaust.

There is still continuity between phases of the alternator, but I'm wondering if having one pin slightly undone may have burnt one out. This weekend I'll check all other wiring and if I can't find anything else I'll pull the generator cover off and have a look.

Booked in for a dyno setup on Friday so really want to get it fixed this weekend.

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It should not be charging at 20v mate. 14.5 should be nearly max at 3-5k revs

Or have i read it wrong? Was it charging at 20v then you replaced the reg/rec and it went to 14.5 (which is good)

if the reg/rec was faulty then it would have cooked the battery, so you will need to replace this as well.

If you still have the same battery on then this will be your problem,, change it and it should be ok looking at what you have done.

I would assume the battery is giving you a weak spark (poor voltage under load) and thats why you are getting the start,bang,die syndrome. Change the battery out and see if that helps.

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