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Fork Oil And Cartridges


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I'm so lucky, my lad decided to give me a hand while I was working on my bike, while my back was turned he only undid the compression adjuster and it started leaking oil over the floor :( I can't really complain as he's only 5, at least he found the right sized spanner, lets guess what he wants to do when he's older :P

Anyway I now have one fork with less oil that the other, I've no idea how much is lost so I'm planning to pop both forks off and hang them upside down for a day to drain all the oil and refresh it, BUT all free air measurements are done from what I can see without the spring on the cartridge. I've shot a couple of emails to suspension companies asking if they can tell me a measurement while its all together but no ones answered, (been 4 days since emailing) so I wondered if anyone can help, as I really don't want to strip the cartridges apart if I can help it

The bike is a 2010 CBR600RR with K-Tech 25SSK cartridges fitted.

Cheers in advance

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Many thanks for that, you're a star :)

And yes I did wonder if they would tell me as they would want the work, pity as they have now lost a possible customer in the future, however I have bookmarked your site

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Possibly not the correct workshop 'technique' but I'd drain the other fork into a jug to find out how much oil was in it, then top them both back up with that amount of new fluid.

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Possibly not the correct workshop 'technique' but I'd drain the other fork into a jug to find out how much oil was in it, then top them both back up with that amount of new fluid.

That sounds like a good idea, mind seeing that my measuring jugs aren't very accurate its probably not going to work for me, good idea though :)

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Regarding oil level.

I can send you a list of links, or I can post them up if it's not counted as spam the stuff to buy to make your own oil level gauge for less than £15

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First you need to buy 1 of these


Then 1 of these


(5.7mm OD)

(Warm the tube from above to get it over the aluminium tube so that you have a very good seal)

1 of these


(6mm drill stop)

All you do is push the syringe tube onto the aluminium tube, slide the lock stop over.

Cut the aluminium tube down to 140mm (covers most bikes then)

Hold metal rule against the aluminium so that the end of the aluminium tube (use the end that you did not cut, so the cut end goes IN the plastic tube) at a length of 93mm (your air gap) and slide the lock stop against the end of it and tighten.

So you should have 93mm between the bottom of the stop and the end of the aluminium tube.

Hold the fork upright so as to get accurate reading put tube in fork leg pushing the lock stop against the top edge of the leg and then get an assistant to pull the syringe which will leave you with a 93mm air gap :)

Total price is less than £10

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WOW, that simple and yet perfect, you are a star, I'll buy you a drink if we meet up. Thank you so much.

Now ordered parts :)

One last item, any idea on how to make a spanner to undo the top caps? K-Tech is triangular and not the same as the one I have for my old R6 :(

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LOL, I thought of making myself a spanner, given that K-Tech had one listed at £55 but a quick email and was told its an error and the new online price is £18 so at that price I'll order one.

Ebay parts were ordered, just waiting for the aluminium tube to arrive and that will be all made and ready to use.

Gotta love the help from this site, wish I'd found it before, a pat on the back to you all :)

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