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R1 Endurance Paddock Stand (Engine Lift)


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I've acquired an endurance stand that lifts from an alloy tube that attaches to the front of the engine.

The tube for the stand bolts onto 2 (cast) mounting points on the engine (5VY R1 for reference).

My question is this; Can this type of stand be used on a stock engine (mine) or do the real deal endurance bikes have reinforced mounting points on the engine that the stand tube attaches to?

Here's a pic of the type of stand that I'm talking about (Mine is a bit more crude and not pneumatic). Same concept though...The bike gets lifted by a metal shaft that slides into a metal tube that is affixed to the engine. I'm just wanting to know if this area of the engine gets bracing/reinforcement on the race bikes to handle the weight of the bike when lifted in a such a manner.


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I'm sure it would be fine on yours, the engine mounts will be plenty strong enough.

But you might find you need to remove the fan to give sufficient room behind the radiator for the tube.

That's fine on a race/track bike, less so on the road...

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Usual wisdom is to mount it off the lower exhaust studs, behind the exhaust. Check the gap between the manifold plates that compress the collets and you'll usually find a useful 5mm. May need an additional arm that comes over and picks up off the frame, though you'll like as not have a crash bung in there, so that means modding the frame and cylinder head to take 5mm of spacer. :gulp:

Replace the studs with screws that can be lockwired and you can kill 2 birds with one stone. Fit spacer washers behind the manifold plates at the top and you can stop the plates being distorted if they need replacing in a hurry, i.e. after a crash or when a system fails (Arrow, Italians, ask me how I know, still got the burn scars). Incidentaly this mod is really useful in saving engines post crash. If the exhaust system gets twisted and you get a persistent leak, the resultant backfiring and lack of positive back pressure can lead to burnt out valves over the course of a long race.

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  • 2 months later...

^ Good stuff there. Yam has 2 mounting points off the engine case that work a treat. The tube that I picked up fits right up to it behind the exhaust.

The only issue I had when test fitting the tube was that it compresses the coolant hose a bit. It's not pinched shut, but it's definetly compressed a bit by the tube.

Think it will be an issue or just shut up and get on with it?








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Soon is good. You have kept your cards close to your chest with your build, I for one cannot wait to see it. :)

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